Saturday, December 5, 2009

What events shaped christianity?

Ergot, a mind-altering fungus, frequently infests food grains eaten by humans. When ingested in large enough quantities, ergot can cause delusional thought, hallucinations, heightened superstition, and impaired critical-thinking skills. When tissue samples were taken from exhumed participants of the long ago Salem witch trials in the early days of the U.S., highly elevated levels of ergot were found. They went mad on ergot. Research has found that the ergot levels in the lands during Christ's times were astronomically high.

What events shaped christianity?opera ticket

b.c. jewish history


Paul and the early church writing the bible

What events shaped christianity?pacific theater opera theater

god,s word. my opion?
Constantine and his creed.
Also, Constantine declared Christianity the official Roman religion. (I believe)
well obviously it all starts with Jesus from there you have the coucil of trent, the council of nicaea, the reformation, the inquisition, vatican 1 and vatican 2(electric boogaloo). What part of christianity are you referring to? catholic, protestant?
-Jewish background and the Old Testemant

-Jesus and his life, death, and ressurection

-The early church, (Paul and the other firgures of the New Testament)

-Roman Empire and its influences (Constantine)

-Protestant Reformation (Martin Luther, also the reverberations from the Catholic church that ensued)

-Puritan movement to America

-Recent events that are more easily witnessed to current controversies
The resurrection of Christ after his death.

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