Thursday, December 10, 2009

Current Events- Isnt this odd????

Madeleine was patented as a Trademark only 5 DAYS after she vanished.?

Which is likely to mean that both Gerry and Kate knew this would be long-term, and that their new "careers" were already being looked into. The filing date is 18th March. As shown here.

It means that, "Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned", is now a registered trademark, and unauthorized and unlicensed use of the name is prohibited.

It likely means that MissingMadeleineInc. intends to be around for the long haul, and will likely use their corporate goodwill and expertise to continue to raise funds for other causes.

What is most pertinent is "charitable and non-charitable services relating to the provision of assistance to families and others affected by missing children. "

That suggests that they will charge fees for assisting others who have a child which has gone missing?

Current Events- Isnt this odd????comedy club

Anyone who doesn't agree with the question and who thinks trademarking 'Madeleine' as a brand so quickly isn't at all odd really needs to get a grip on their brain. I would be quite happy to be sympathetic. But so-called 'McCann haters' aren't born, they're made.

And they're made by the truly bizarre behaviour of this couple right from the outset.

It seems that anyone who focuses on 'what happened to Madeleine' is automatically labelled a 'McCann hater'. What we should be focusing on, exclusively apparently, is the pain of Kate and Gerry. The return of Madeleine is important because it would serve to 'ease the pain' of Kate and Gerry.

Unfortunately, if Madeleine had been 8 or 9 years old, it wouldn't be so easy for so many people to think of her simply as a lost asset of K%26amp;G Inc rather than as a person in her own right who was neglected by those charged with protecting her.

The only responsibility of a parent is the protection of their child. That's it. There aren't any others. Their own welfare is secondary to that responsibility and a very remote second to boot.

I was as ready for empathy and sympathy as the next person when this story broke. As ready for support and tears as for the Chapmans and the Wellses

But K%26amp;Gs lies about what happened that evening - three at the latest count - the secrecy, the PR 'campaign' that followed and the total lack of remorse or even admission of responsibility have meant that all my sympathy is with the child. Who remains the real and only victim here.

Current Events- Isnt this odd????sheet music opera theater

wtf?!! your links don't even work!!
It's the original question really - who has benefited by Madeleine's disappearance? It really is time that this aspect was looked into very closely.
Oh my, you have raised a good question here, that will no doubt cause a bit of controversy!

Yet, it seems that there will be a charge........WTF?

It seems that the 锟?signs are truly in their eyes!
Failing to register the trust name would leave it open for other scammers to cream the money off by asking for donations to their bank balances instead of the fund.
Dead Links...

But yeah, where there is money to be made... Greedy hands will come to grasp.

Nearly everything happens for the wrong reason.
You don't think that perhaps they registered the trademark to stop people fraudulently setting up websites in order to benefit from Madeleine's disappearance? I'm not sure what your point is here -are you suggesting they thought "wahey! Our daughter's been taken, perhaps there's a buck to be made here" or even "Lets hire someone to dispose of our daughter, what a great business opportunity!"?

Try putting some of that time and energy into something positive rather than looking for reasons to malign someone. And try to bear in mind that there's a little girl out there, dead or alive, and nobody knows what's happened to her. However much you hate the McCanns, and for whatever personal reasons you have, surely you have to sympathise just a TINY bit? Maybe you don't have children.
You must have a problem besides not understanding on the type of real problem you're talking about. Maybe you're Innocent=ignorant because you don't imagine you don't know how awful that parents situation must be. Please try to get a closer idea on the dangers and horrors that yes happen today in a "civilized" world. I'm one of the millions in this world that would give millions more if I had to try the miracle to happen if possible - pray to God that it will

This is speculation.

It makes one angry when things such as this happen to innocent babies.

That child is continually in my prayers and until she is found I will not forget the little soul.

Let us put our energy into not forgetting her.

And what her parents must be going through I cannot imagine.

Take care!
I think we should be wondering what parent leaves their child in a hotel room full stop?????

Parents should not leave children alone in a foreign country, even just for a bite to eat.
that's odd, but after finding out today what other British MD's are up to it does not surprise me, I am just glad that my doctor is a good old fashioned jew.
Well said foxymoron, that sums it nicely for me.
Well answered Bobby L. Sorry I give up I cannot seem to get any link to work, probably me not very good at the computer.

Why two thumbs down? No hidden meanings, I cannot get the links to work. I will take them as a reflection of my computer skills and not my parenting skills!
This whole issue is extremely suspect. I can't see that poor child ever getting home. Is the way in which the Portugese police deal with the media always like this - a blackout. Have the McCanns spent much time in portugal and do they know the criminal system there. If they did it may be something they used.
This just gets worse by the minute, I cannot understand how the Parental Neglect worshipers on this site can make themselves so blind to the naked commercialism here, at a time when any respectable parent or family member would either be sobbing their hearts out, or ripping doors off houses to search for their lovely baby, these....

OOhhhh, add words...

were cynically setting up a future for themselves...

I have never been convinced that they were guilty of anything other than neglect, but, ohhhh, this is making me think that there is sooooooo much more to it....

Well, where to start. There is so much wild speculation in your "question" it defies belief.

By 2 weeks after Madeleine's disappearance (3rd May + 15 days = 2 weeks, 1 day), it is already known that the McCanns had consulted lawyers about setting up the fund. I assume that, by then, they had started to receive money from well-wishers and certainly at least one wealthy individual had offered a reward. I expect that one of the lawyers or someone they consulted suggested this as a standard way of protecting the fund from fraud based on prior experience with similar undertakings. To read this as evidence of the McCanns complicity is preposterous.

As for the language you quote, you are making so much more of it than it warrants. I am sure the language again comes from the lawyers and is intended to allow for unanticipated developments. I think the intent of the fund is clear and I believe that it will operate within a regulatory framework even if it is not the same as the one covering registered charities.

As for the airport video, I've watched it and I don't hear the expletive. Give me a link to the one you've seen or I'll assume you just made that up, too.

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