Saturday, December 5, 2009

Other events in history on 9/11, did you know?

Sept. 11

3 B.C. Many biblical scholars, theologians,

historians, and astronomers say that the

Star of Bethlehem, signifying the birth of

Jesus Christ, can be calculated to within a

few hours of September 11, 3 B.C., based

on celestial charts and alignments for that

time. Historian Dr. Ernest L. Martin first

article on the subject appeared in 1976,

and in 1981 he published his research in

"The Birth of Christ Recalculated". In 1991,

the book was re-released as "The Star that

Astonished the World." Dr. Martin revealed

in his book, that the signs in the sky on

the night of Jesus' birth occurred on only

one day in 3 B.C., and they occurred

exactly on September 11, 3 B.C. between

6:15 pm and 7:49 pm EST.

Sept. 11

1297 William Wallace leads over 15,000 Scottish soldiers

to victory over the English Army at the Battle of

Stirling Bridge

Other events in history on 9/11, did you know?musicals

that's pretty neat, by the ay hansblix222 I gave ya a thumbs up to even ya out

Other events in history on 9/11, did you know?opera songs opera theater

9-11-1973: CIA helped Chilean army overthrow the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende.

I get a thumbs down for stating a fact? Geez, you people are sensitive
i knew about the american revolution one. i saw it on a map of battles and thought it was interesting.
o wow!
Um, sure, there's a lot of this stuff for other dates too. Thanks for all the information, though I don't know what the point was.
Also Sept 11, 1968 American CIA invented Al-Qaeda
On September 11th, 2001, approximately 8,000 people died of AIDS. And the same approximate number the day before. And that many the day after.

Terrorism and global warming are not our only problems. Each decade we ignore the AIDS crisis, the statistics of deaths and infections grows by another decimal place.

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