Saturday, December 5, 2009

What events do u believe that will happen when the Anti-Christ gains power?

If you STUDY the book of Revelations you'll know exactly what the Anti-Christ will do but just to help you a little first understand that the Greek interpretation for Anti in the word Anti Christ is actually "Instead of." So the world will be seeing one who will come on the scene professing to be Christ but he will actually be the "Instead of Christ." In other words, this person will save lives, end world hunger, cease wars, bring back dead bodies, and do much of what Jesus is famous for doing when He walked the earth. The "Instead of Christ will deceive millions because he (Satan) has already gotten a good head start. Many do not believe in God and/or Christ and they are seeking hard evidence of His existence. the Instead of Christ will give it to them. He will be in a flesh body like all of us just as Jesus was and He'll be able to do most of everything Jesus did. The best part for him is that the world for the most part already has it a mind set that if Jesus really does exist, when He returns He will return as a man like He did before. But God does not repeat anything. He doesn't have to. Whatever He does, He does it PERFECT the first time. The "Instead of Christ" will end the war in the Middle East, raise up a temple in Jerusalem, call himself "Christ," and all the world of unbelievers and skeptics will fall down at his feet because of the wondrous miracles he will have done. But if you have studied God's word and know it in your heart you would know that Jesus' return will be so spectacular that upon His arrival there will NOT be a single person on the face of the earth who will miss it. He's coming back with ALL POWER! The sky will crack, a loud trumpet will sound, and He will appear surrounded by an army of angles and saints!

What events do u believe that will happen when the Anti-Christ gains power?performing arts

I don't believe in such a person.

What events do u believe that will happen when the Anti-Christ gains power?binoculars opera theater

Nuclear war.
Miss Cleo won't charge so much fee psychic advice.
Crazy stuff. Pigs will fly.
The end of this world.
it will be an omen that the anti-batman is on his way

hi will come in a false batmobile with a false robin, and he wont care at all about gotham city or commissioner gorden
Appear to be friendly and all knowing while really lying

Gain peoples confidence through signs and wonders

Seek peoples allegiance

Rise to power

Demand allegance and praise.

Cuase mass destruction and chaos.
The rebuilding of the Temple at Jerusalem. That is the only verifiable sign in Revelations that could possibly happen soon. If that happens, buy some real estate REAL FAR away.
the Backstreet Boys Greatest hits will blast from the sky. nothing we do will stop it.

women will disappear into thin air.

bars will close.

books will turn to dust.

everything that's good and beautiful in the world (including hope) will be gone.

luckily, we're ok for now.
the opposite of christ. touching people and making them wither.
If the Anti-Christ comes upon this world, there will be mass destruction, and killing, for example, people thought Hitler, and Mussolini were versions of the Anti-Christ, as they were horrible people, and dictators, also many college professors, and educated persons say that the Anti-Christ will most likely go into politics, as that is where great power lays.
there is no antichrist because there is neither a god nor christ
He will send us into Iraq even though they had no WMDs and he knew that. He will continue to claim that they have WMDs. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and tens of thousands of Americans will be maimed or killed in the ensuing battle. He will turn a blind eye to global warming and begin spying on his own citizens. Habeus corpus, and other laws of the land will be repealed.

Oh, wait....
There is no such thing.
I believe nothing will happen. I don't believe in such a being.
*EDITED* Man, I did a 'he'll send us to war with Iraq' joke, but by the time I posted it, someone had beat me to it. Don't you hate that? Fine, new joke. He'll host "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire."
Thousands of children will be homeless, thousands more will be unable to see a doctor, American citizens will live from paycheck to paycheck while an elite few control all of the wealth, wars for the control of oil will be started and fought based on lies, the Constitution will be eroded so badly that Americans will no longer enjoy being residents of a free country......

Wait, that's Dubya. I don't believe in an antichrist.
some will be worshipping him
the jedi will return
Heard one of the signs we must under the law be micro chipped, represents we are numbered, if you go against this society you die. Another sign is that there will be peace in the Middle East, who knows????

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