Thursday, December 10, 2009

CURRENT EVENTS Time we changed our votingsystem so that pro-white parties are fairlyrepresented like

Polls show that pro-white parties like the BNP have as much support as they do in France and other countries but are suppressed by our 'first past the post' system.

Almost everyone I know says they would vote BNP but it's a 'wasted vote'.

This poll shows 20% would SERIOUSLY consider voting BNP even with our biased system:

CURRENT EVENTS Time we changed our votingsystem so that pro-white parties are fairlyrepresented like in Franceclassical music

Ohhh, great just force people to vote for the nazi party why don't you...

CURRENT EVENTS Time we changed our votingsystem so that pro-white parties are fairlyrepresented like in Francems stress opera theater

Are you that stupid, if people wanted to vote for the BNP they would.

The majority of this country lucky enough are not small minded racist bigots.

BNP will never ever gain power.........and thank god for that!

Only the Chavs on JSA will vote for them..........
its time for change and to put britain first
Yes but we should have proportional representation (PR) for all our parties, not just the racists.

With a fair system the communists and other minority parties like yours would be represented.

You might be disappointed to know that the largest party swing under PR would be for the LibDems, followed by the Green Party. All the other timewasters would probably get a few seats in Parliament too.
A poll of 900 proves what?

MAke all prisioners serve their full term. Great, who's going to pay for all the extra jails? Are you going to let one be built in you back garden?

These are all very easy knee-jerk reactions but life isn't as simple as that.

Finally, are yu aware of how many convited violent assualts there are in the high-rankings of the BNP? Also, are you also aware of some of their other lovely pledges like holocuast denial in schools.

BNP were allowed to be represented like everybody else and they failed. We have a government of people represeinting us, not a presidential system like America and France.
God, that is terrifying news. I'm as British as can be, and proud of it - so proud that the minute those BNP bastards ever get into power I am emmigrating.
its time for change and to put britain first

Whats wrong with the BMP.
Why do you want to live in a fascist state?
I'd like to ask Dave S what he thinks the bigger picture is?

These are the facts of this Country....

Last time we as a family went to vote we we're turned away from our usual voting station (been using same station for 6 years) because it was Asian only voting......whats wrong with this picture? our laws and the way this country is racially UN-EQUAL but not against the Asian etc.....its against the white's..

I seriously feel the Gov have caused many of the racial feel in this Country by the way they have allowed some culture's, races etc to have rights we so balatantly wouldn't be allowed....Can you imagine what would happen if we asked for an all white voting station....screams of racism..

Down at our local shop is an advert in the window asking for a women to apply for a particular job, at the end of the poster is "only Asian women need apply" again could I do that? no!!

Intergration will only ever work when one Country and the people wanting to live, work and get educated in that Country will abide FULLY with the Countries Law's etc. It will never work when you've got one Law for one and one for another.

We visited many Countries and done our homework before we left about its Laws, cultures you should when visiting many cultures so diverse from our own. .We have NOT ever had the right to drink in Countries where it is against their Law....just because we're English. As female's we have been unable to enter certain certain Countries because we're white and or not covered properly.

Instead we have respected the cultures and religious beliefs of the Countries we've been have to...not a choice...

Meanwhile here for example...we talk of allowing school children to wear the veil to school...we allow them to take driving tests and have passprts wearing the veil,

Has anyone had their passport returned because the photo was "not quite central"...we did this daughters was returned because "the photo was slightly too far to the left of the frame.." meanwhile (she's a teacher) a mother of a child in her class was showing her first British passport off and there was the photo with FULL VEIL!!!LOL well say's everything really about this Countries Politic's....and yes I know its the passport offices decision but they are governed by the GOV....

I understand many of the customs are religious and cultural beliefs BUT..when you visit another Country you abide by their beliefs....they do not bend to yours.....however long your visiting for..

Time this Country got its priorities back.....and in case they've forgot its to its Countrymen...whatever colour, race or gender...but it should also be a child "YOU SHOULD NEVER GIVE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER..."

Stop bending the rules for some while shushing the rest of us up when we don't like the unfairness of it all.........Do they know equal means 50/50 not 80/20?

I agree they should be allowed to practice and keep alive all their cultural and religious beliefs as well as pass them onto their children....but not if in the next 15 20 years it will mean my children and grandchildren will loose some of their rights in this Country.......

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