Thursday, December 10, 2009

Current events following bible prophecy or world leaders purposly causing bible prophecy?

Everyone is saying the Verichip microchip implant will be the so called mark of the beast. Although we are probably at least ten years or so before chips are implanted into humans it is going to happen nonetheless. Do you think world leaders are purposely pushing this agenda to try and force bible prophecy, or are we helpless to interfere with destiny?

Current events following bible prophecy or world leaders purposly causing bible prophecy?regal theater

I think believe and expect that politicians might use bible prophecy to sell a war to the public. Bible prophecy is vague and open to interpretation to the point where it could conceivably be used by politicians to garner support for a war amongst Christians. For instance, I have heard it said on a number of occasions by Christians that the war in Iraq is required inorder for bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Where did they get this idea? Probably from politicians and from christian leadership who sell the influence they have over communities of faithful believers to a mercenary plutocratic predatory few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex.

Current events following bible prophecy or world leaders purposly causing bible prophecy?performing art center opera theater

Or Bible prophecy could be so vague that it could apply to almost anything at the time.
i find it funny how napolean bonaparte fits the prophecy quite well
I doubt the agenda of world leaders is to follow the Bible that would leave the other answer. God does not lie.
Gwb believes in the rapture and armageddon,and wants it to happen. what do you think ? Its scary to think about it.
i will be damned before any government sticks a microchip in my body. uh uh noooo way.

however, i don't think this is the mark of the beast as the Bible prophesies and i doubt world leaders would purposely push it for this reason.
the chip is just one of the ways. Just look at the Vatican.
Do you think world leaders are purposely pushing this agenda to try and force bible prophecy, or are we helpless to interfere with destiny?

It is not destiny but God's Will and Promise to mankind.

Exodus 12:25 (Whole Chapter)

And it shall come to pass, when ye be come to the land which the LORD will give you, according as he hath promised, that ye shall keep this service.

Numbers 14:40 (Whole Chapter)

And they rose up early in the morning, and gat them up into the top of the mountain, saying, Lo, we be here, and will go up unto the place which the LORD hath promised: for we have sinned.

Deuteronomy 12:20 (Whole Chapter)

When the LORD thy God shall enlarge thy border, as he hath promised thee, and thou shalt say, I will eat flesh, because thy soul longeth to eat flesh; thou mayest eat flesh, whatsoever thy soul lusteth after.

1 Kings 9:5 (Whole Chapter)

Then I will establish the throne of thy kingdom upon Israel for ever, as I promised to David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Israel.

Nehemiah 5:12 (Whole Chapter)

Then said they, We will restore them, and will require nothing of them; so will we do as thou sayest. Then I called the priests, and took an oath of them, that they should do according to this promise.

Jeremiah 32:42 (Whole Chapter)

For thus saith the LORD; Like as I have brought all this great evil upon this people, so will I bring upon them all the good that I have promised them.

Jeremiah 33:14 (Whole Chapter)

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.

Acts 23:21 (Whole Chapter)

But do not thou yield unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them more than forty men, which have bound themselves with an oath, that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him: and now are they ready, looking for a promise from thee.

Romans 9:9 (Whole Chapter)

For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son.

2 Timothy 1:1 (Whole Chapter)

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus,

Hebrews 6:17 (Whole Chapter)

Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:

Hebrews 10:36 (Whole Chapter)

For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

2 Peter 3:9 (Whole Chapter)

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Organized religions and there greed is the cause of all wars. Leaders within the organized religions have a huge influence over modern day politics. They always have been involved and the key word is involved. Most of mankind is not involved and that is where the problem starts. A society based on greed demands that we leave it all up to religious state leaders to make all the decisions for you. Mankind simply cannot afford to take the time off work to stand up and negotiate for what really matters to them. I hope this helps. Best Regards, M.G.S.
Interesting question; my specialty study is in Prophecy, so your question caught my eye; lets start with the micro-chip/mark of the beast thing. The mark of the beast is not a chip; its not your social security number; its not a tattoo of "666". It much simplier than that; man always wants to complicate things more than necessary. Antichrist is coming before any gathering back to Christ occurs; He will come in prosperously and peacefully. He will be disguised as Jesus Christ and he will pretend to be Christ - he'll even profess that he is Christ. He will come exactly the opposite of what a person would think the devil would come as - he will be supernatural and performing miracles; he will provide a chicken in every pot, no more war, no more homelessness; prosperity and peace for all. One problem: He's Antichrist. The mass majority of even Church-going Christians will believe its Christ (because they aren't taught). Tv preachers will lead hundreds of thousands of people to be devil worshippers. Those folks who believe in rapture will believe this first show of "jesus" is him coming to rapture them out to safety; it will be the biggest religious tent revival of all time. Christ gives us a good chronological order of events that lead up to the true Christs return, and he tells us that if he had not shortened the time, no flesh would be saved - thats how convincing this fake will be. Jesus did shorten the 7-year total period down to a total of five months, in Revelation 9. This is how simple the mark of the beast actually is: If you believe that the fake is really Jesus Christ, you have the mark of the beast; if you do not believe he is Jesus, but know he is a fake, you do not have the mark of the beast. It doesn't matter if they tattoo you from head to toe, its not gonna change what you believe. He will destroy wonderfully, and his power will be in his mouth: a bunch of lies. If you don't believe a lie, it can't harm you. Also, it is written that Satan was told he can't even touch those who are sealed of God (those who do not have the mark). If he even tried, Christ would flatten him. Okay, this is information God wants to direct you to so that you understand that you will be dealing with more than just that one entity, Satan:

We read "Here is wisdom: let him that hath understanding COUNT the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man, and his number is six-hundred three-score (and)six."

That word "count", is not like when we count 1-2-3-4, but instead it means the enumerate over a long period of time, as when a rock is run smooth from water running over it for a vast amount of time. That tells us that this mark is nothing new - so where did it begin? where do we find this mark? In the very beginning - in the Garden of Eden.

I will tell you the rest, or else let me give you the quick answer to your question: no , world leaders are not purposely pushing to try to force the prophecies, but they are, unknowingly fulfilling prophecies just by the decisions they make, etc. Its inevitable.

So you can stop here if you're bored, or read on:

The Mark has its beginning on Cain, when he killed his brother Abel, and God threw him out of the Garden; God placed a mark on him - its the mark of his own blood father, Satan. Ouch. Yep, the manuscripts all but cement the fact. Eve was told she could eat from all the trees, but not to EVEN TOUCH the tree of the knowledge of good/evil. The word "touch" is naga, as in when you touch sexually while lying with a woman (or man). Scripture says the serpent beguiled Eve and she took of the tree. The world "beguiled" means "to wholly seduce";

Eve had sex with no other than Satan himself, or the tree as she was tricked by the serpent into it. Adam Participated.

After they sinned, they tied fig leaves together to make what? Masks to hid their faces because they ate fruit? No, they made aprons to hid their private parts - those parts that participated in the sin.

God told Eve he would multiply her conception; he did, multiplied by 2, exactly:

Eve was pregnant with twins: one pregancy of two separate conceptions - two separate fathers. Abel was Adams son, but Cain was Satans son. If you find this hard to believe, check out Genesis 5:1 where is listed the complete geneology of Adam: you won't find Cain listed because Cain isn't Adams son. Likewise, In Chapter 4, is a list of the geneology of Cain: you won't find Adam listed because Adam isn't Cains Father.

The boys both brought their offerings to God at the exact same time, because they reached the age of accountability at the exact same time: Twins. Your Bible says that Eve had Cain and then AGAIN bare his brother, Abel. But the manuscripts actually do not say "again", instead, they say "continued in labor". Eve had Cain and then her labor continued and she had Abel.

What does it mean when you have a baby and then your labor continues and you have a second baby? Twins. Enough said.

On to why it is so important to God that you come to Genesis and understand this whole story. Cain went off to the first known town called Nod, which was where the 6th day creation of all the races were living. He married and had lots of decendants, called "kenites" in the Bible.

These Kenites (fully translated means "Sons of Cain") even made it thru the flood of Noah: Noah was told to take two of every flesh,(ethnos) every race onboard the Ark. The reason Scripture says there were only "8 living souls" is because they are the only 8 persons of the lineage of Christ, and if you are not in Christ, you are not alive, therefore it was written as "8 living souls". Anyway, the blood decendants called Kenites made it thru the flood, and you will find them alive and well, and doing scribe-work for the Tribe of Judah, well after the flood, in 1chronicles 2:55. These

blood decendants (and yes, the manuscripts say seed, children, SPERMA)

of Satan himself not only made it thru the flood, but they are alive on the Earth today.

Do they want to take over the world? No, but Satan does, and they are his children.

You see why its important for you to be aware of this? These Kenites are very slippery and tricky - God points to them thru-out Scripture, but people read right over it.

In Rev.1, John is told to write a letter to each of 7 churches - the only 2 churches out of the whole bunch that Christ approved of, both taught the same thing: who are they who say they are jews but are not and do lie, and are of the synagogue of Satan?

The answer: The Kenites. There are two legal ways for you to be a "jew" (just a shortend form for "Tribe of Judah").

First, to be born in the bloodline of the Tribe of Judah. Or second, live in the geographical location of the Town of Judea.

Bingo!! Thats what these Kenites did, they lived around Judea and called themselves jews; these are those who yelled "crucify him!". They move themselves into places and positions of authority - they became scribes, lawyers, judges, and yes, even Priests. You recall Jesus telling off the Priest saying "you are of your father the devil" - I don't know how Christ could have made it more clear. Anyway, if you've ever read the parable of the tares in Matthew 13:36,

when you re-read it, it will come alive with meaning. There is a golden thread running throughout the Scriptures that prepare Gods true Servants for specifically this time coming. Gods Election are destined to be delivered up before Antichrist for the testamony of the true Christ, and as a witness against Antichrist. Obviously, this

time hasn't come yet, but his (Satans) children are here, and you can bet they work at the task day and night to prepare just as do the soldiers of Christ.

There is far more deeper a message contained in Scriptures for those disciplined students - far beyond baptism, forgiveness, salvation; they are beautiful things, of course, but unfortunately most Christians keep sucking on the milk and never delve into the meat of the message in Gods Word that would make them approved soldiers for Christ when these event occur.

Those who study and learn these truths receive the seal of God, rather than sitting around waiting to wonder whether they will have the mark of the beast.

Nothing like being prepared.

In any case, things are gonna get pretty hot in the proverbial kitchen, and that will separate those soldiers of God from those who just like to "play church".

Hope ya found this information interesting.

ps: nothing will prevent these events from coming to pass exactly as written. No one.

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