Saturday, December 5, 2009

What events in the declaration of independence coincided with the American revolution?

The Declaration of Independence is a more causal result of British infractions; it is the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments to the Constitution) which address the events between 1763 and 1776. The French/Indian War, as it was called by the English -- the French name being the Seven Years War -- ended in 1763. For the next thirteen years, the British enacted mulitple laws and taxes upon the Colonies to pay for that war. The Declaration of Independence did not directly address the British infractions. However, in the Constitution's Bill of Rights (ratified in 1783), freedom of speech, gathering and religion; the Quartering Act; jury by your peers; unlawful imprisonment; interstate movement and trade; and much more, give a direct nod to the events between 1763 and 1776.

What events in the declaration of independence coincided with the American revolution?mr messed up

I'm not really sure what you mean by this. The only events related to the declaration of independence are the writting of it and the adoption/signing of it. The Declaration was enacted by Congress over a year after the revolution started with actually very few battles having been fought. The Declaration coincided with the Revolution because the writing and the adoption were during the Revolution.

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