Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can events like happened in movie "The day after Tomorrow" Really Happen??

yes most could but we are a long ways away from something like that happening because of global warming most likely not in our lifetimes!

Can events like happened in movie "The day after Tomorrow" Really Happen??concert tickets


Can events like happened in movie "The day after Tomorrow" Really Happen??theater seating opera theater

Possibily. It can happen after the death of our sun which is likely to swell up into a red and shrink into a dense material or a pulsar.

And a new ice age will begin.
Although unlikely, things shown in the movie can probably happen. Many believe superstorms and such even already occured on our planet early in it's history.
The discovery channel did a show on this and though it could happen, it would be under such extreme circumstances that i wouldn't bet on it!
You have to realize everyone's motivation for their movement. Mostly, it is money motivation, and the tricky part is that people look like they "really care."

There are many people in the environmental movement that really do care, but there are SO many people that perpetuate their movement in order to scare, and in turn profit. Look at the books, and movies, and many other ways that they make money. Obviously, there are many other political factions on both sides of the idealogical spectrum that champion their "cause" in order to make money. This is only one of them.

Can it happen? Yes. Just like someone "could" build a time machine within the next 50 years. Will it happen? Probably not.

A lot of the data that people have come up with to support global catastrophies (like the one you are referring to) actually doesn't take into account a sample size that is large enough to make the claims (and subsequently produce the fear) that they are making. The sample size of data is too small, yet it is used to produce fear (and sell media of different shapes and sizes).

Most people really should be fearing things that are much closer to them like heart disease, and stroke. These things are much more likely to happen to people because many people don't watch what they eat, nor get enough exercise. However, movies about having a heart attack aren't really considered blockbuster material!

I'd save the worrying for what to eat, and when to exercise.
Hello? Katrina...NOLA NEVER got hit that bad before, ever. Its starting already all over the planet. Tsunami's, record high temperatures, extreme fluctuations in weather...hell, I wore shorts on Christmas last three years. Very unusual.
I believe that anything is possible, especially since people believe in religion, UFOs, aliens etc. You could do your own study and take whatever precautions that might save you. Unless you are Hispanic I wouldn't be too hasty in moving there. Enjoy what daily lifestyles you still have and can afford. Survival skills can also mean keeping a cool head too.
Quite possibly a scenero of what could happen.
Ah the global warming debate! Yes it can happen but not for the reasons depicted. The movie was a politicly correct propagand machine.

Now back to reality. I have lived long enough to hear "its global warming" and I have heard "its an ice age".

It is part of the propaganda that SUV's are the cause of the problem. In truth when I was a kid every one was excited about acid rain too. there was a volcano in the Fillipines that erupted and spit out more SO2 (sulfer dioxide) than all the cars in all the history of the internal combustion engine. It did that much damage to the environment in about 3 days. 24 hours after the eruption the cloud could be seen by satalite wraping its self all the way around the globe. Should have been the doom of all mankind. One year later mother nature had cleaned the whole thing up. And she did it with out the rest of us letting up at all in the steady day to day out put of pollution.

However with all that said I think our enviroment is changing. Remember it has changed several times without man kind even being on the planet. For some reason man things that because he is here it should be stagnant. Winter is always the same and sumer is always the same etc. WRONG. The very things that brought about change with out man's presence is still at work. Our influence is minimal at best. We are not as powerfull as some egotistical nuts would have you think.

I do believe our world is changing. I do believe we will see many changes in our life time. I think lots of folks will blame it on big oil or big government or George Bush or republicans or democrats. In the end it will change and there is not one thing you can do to stop it. Now the debate is will the change be for the better or worse? Remember just because one place is no long habitable and another becomes more habitable does not mean its worse, just different.

Could the events of the day after tomorrow happen? Sure. For the same reason? not even close?

Should you make some preperations? That would be wise.

If I'm wrong and it happens because of an suv will it change any thing? no

If I'm right and it happens will it change anything? no.

Either way it happens. So you may want to practice a few survival skills now. Just my opinion.

If I'm wrong and nothing happens? You will have learned a few survival skills and will be a lot of fun to have around on camping trips. my opinion is free and worth about what you paid for it.
defenitly but verrryy rarely it would b cool but scary!!
yes, but solar flares could also strike the earth under the right circumstances. NOT LIKELY
Not really, that's like the super apocalyptic if everything happened just right end all to end all. Also the events wouldn't happen as fast as they did in the movie. Also to what they lady said above, Tsunamis are not caused by weather. Storm surge is but not Tsunamis.
Yes, but...

It's unlikely.

It wouldn't happen within a 2 hour movies.

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