Thursday, December 10, 2009

If you could travel back in time, or had the technological means to do so, what events you'd ch


1-) What period would you travel back in time to?

2-) What event (preferrably a tragic one) would you change to make our present "reality" a better one and an even greater future?

3-)Why did you choose such an event?

4-) Would you take responsibility for changing this event, realising that this ONE event could change your entire "universe" and create a different "reality"?

If you could travel back in time, or had the technological means to do so, what events you'd change?say yes

I wouldn't travel in time.. Parodoxs.. Every event has some baring on all other events.. Change one event in the past and all subsequent events are changed..

There is no guarentee I wouldn't screw things up worse than they are by changing an event in the past..

Leave the past where it is (in the past), learn from it so the same mistakes are not repeated and move forward...

If you could travel back in time, or had the technological means to do so, what events you'd change?palace theatre opera theater

The path i have traveled hasn't been easy but I love where I am now so if i changed something I might not be here.
I would have received Jesus as my Lord and Savior sooner so that my life would have been better.
To be honest, I would probably think about things from a totally selish standpoint. I would take certain actions that would change things in my own life. That's a bit sad, I know. But I would likely think about that.

If I could prevent a few wars, maybe human technological advancements would be much greater by now.
Nothing. Part of life is learning, and all of the wrongs of the world have taught us something, even back to the extinction of the dinosaurs. That allowed mammals, and then humans to flourish.
I'd travel back to the time of Adolf Hitler's parents conceiving him, and prevent it somehow.
I would go back to the time of Adam and Eve and stop them from eating the fruit that has caused all of the problems the world has had since.

As for Why? and the other questions it would be Paradise on Earth then. As God intended it.
I would travel back to Biblical times and ask Jesus to clarify his position once and for all. I believe that I would find that he was a misunderstood hippy, and that he was pissed that so many people had misused his teachings to justify so much death, destruction, hatred and fear mongering. Maybe I could somehow have this recorded, so that all of the crap that has happened as a result of these misunderstandings could be avoided and our world would be a much better place. I wouldn't bother to take any of the credit, though; I would leave it all to Jesus, so that people would realize who he had really been and what he had really stood for. Maybe then being a Christian would mean an entirely different thing than what it has come to mean over the ensuing centuries since his unfortunate death.
I'd go to several different times and places: I'd do my best to change the following events: Titanic, Pearl Harbor, assassin. of Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon, just a few off the top of my head.... Cause it would save lives and/or make the world a better place. Yep, I believe everyone should take responsibility for their actions
history is past and meddling with it would cause a paradox in the space and time continium and there fore everything as we know it good and bad would be differently affected!
If God knows everything, then he must be powerless to change reality, without our free-will decisions. Whether we act or not, we effect the entire cosmos forever. This is the stuff of nightmares. You can ignore these facts, or you can hand the curse back to God, and say I'm sorry sir, it's not my job...

Or, you an go back to your bank account, when it was at it's greatest, withdraw everything. Then, go back a moment before that, and repeat. And reapeat till you're filthy rich.
you asking this question
There are MANY events that I would have changed... ALL of which were tragic, but changing ONE LITTLE SECOND or ONE TINY EVENT in time would make EVERYTHING that came after it ALL DIFFERENT... changing something MASSIVE like say the World Trade Center disaster or John Kennedy's Assasination or his son's plane crash would all have a definite effect on the present. Or if the 7 Astronauts were not blown up in the Challengar...every second that ticks by would have been changed if these events had not taken place---lets say the Death of Princess Diana definitely would have changed British History----maybe for the better!!!! And something as insignificant as waking up a few minutes earlier or later on any given day---or wearing a blue shirt rather then a white one CAN and often DOES change the course of your own PERSONAL present and future.... I'm reminded of the man who USED to work for Cantor Fitzgerald who stayed HOME from work on September 11th because he had to do something with his daughter I think----had he GONE to work that day, that man would have died with all his other co-workers... had his daughter not made him late----think about it!!
This is what first sprang to mind when i read your question -

I would go back and stop smoking being introduced - that way i wouldn't have lost my dad to cancer and a millions and millions of other people wouldn't have lost loved ones to smoking related dieases, or have had to of suffered a smoking related illness.

I wouldn't be smoking either.....
If I could travel back in time to change a single event, I would travel back to the Crucifixion of Jesus.

I would then rescue him from the cross. Stopping his martyrdom at some point between being placed on the cross, but before his self-prophesied death would unravel the fabric of the entire Jesus-son-of-God myth.

I choose this event because the death of Jesus of Nazareth heralded some 2000 years of ignorance, hatred, bigotry, and war. All in the name of a "loving" god and his martyred Rabbi.

Erasing the event would alter the entire history of the western world from then to the present day. Whether or not this would be beneficial is completely unknown, but given the history of the Christian religion, any other faith would have difficulty screwing the world up as much as the Cult of Christ has. However, I am prone to believe that without Christianity, a great many wars and atrocities would not occur, science and philosophy would be much more advanced, and that human society as a whole would benefit from a more broad range of ethical and moral ideals.

Taking responsibility for the act is a moot point. Once events were changed, no one (except possibly me) would be aware of the altered reality.

I would change "Roe vs Wade"
I would travel back to 1970 and ensure that Britain never joined the EEC, also ensure that the truth about that dictatorial and criminal organisation was widely known. The present actions of the politicians makes such a choice imperative. Of course I would take responsibility as UK would be much safer and the foreign criminals could be deported.
You cannot get around the time paradox. If you go back in time you create the world that you then go back in time to change.

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