Saturday, December 5, 2009

Current events question on Iraq... ???

Being there for a little over a year in the US Army with 1st Infantry Division I found a good comparison of Iraq to another part of the world... the US to be more specific. For those that haven't been to Iraq (fortunately for you), a good comparison of Iraq (to me at least) would be Compton, CA. There are 2 minor exceptions though: insurgents don't wear wifebeater tank tops and pants that hang around their knees... and they're middle-eastern not african-american. Other than that, it's pretty similar... of course the cause for the violence is pretty different too but I assumed that would be obvious and would require no explanation. Would that be a fair comparison???

Current events question on Iraq... ???sheet music

i dont really know..but i wanted to say thank you for serving our country. My nephew was in the 1st infantry division and wasn't lucky enough to come home safely. Remember our troops who are still there and say a prayer for all of them.

Current events question on Iraq... ???state theatre opera theater

Good one , right on.
Also, the scumbags in Compton aren't stupid enough to blow themselves up. Unfortunately for the rest of the world.
yeah thats about right
Until a few years ago Ireland was another comparison. Two factions of the same religion murdering, maiming and blowing each other up.
How many people are killed each day in Compton? In Baghdad the toll seems to average 15 or so.

How many men and women in uniform have been killed or injured in Compton since the beginning of the month? There have been 20 casulties in Iraq. I haven't heard of mass kidnappings and executions happening in Compton recently?

While I commend your service to the armed services, I can't imagine that you are describing Baghdad beyond the Green Zone. Sadly the foolish policies of Bush and Rumsfeld have put good lives like yours in danger, let Iraq descend into civil war, and according to the administration's own estimates, increased the likelihood of terrorism.

Compton may be bad, but the Iraq mess is a whole nother kind of bad.
Can't find anything intellectual in making comments which are racist. Sorry you had a tough time in Iraq, but you're home now. Iraqis don't have anywhere else to go!

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