Thursday, December 10, 2009

What events in your life made you become who you are today?

I don't mean all the birth stuff but for example:The first stray cat that came to me made me a cat lover.

What events in your life made you become who you are today?ballet

i was magnetizes by a drawing of the Apollo landing at the moon when it happen during my first year in school

it give me the imagination that i can draw my first star too and my life grow up loving to do drawing since

What events in your life made you become who you are today?globe theater opera theater

I was captured by an UFO, and it changed everything for me
everything that has happened in my life has made me who i am today. everything that has happened has had an influence on what i like and what i dislike.
Ranover and left for dead in the street in a hit and run accident.
i geuss all of them
Meeting my stepmother. I hate this woman with a passion but she taught me almost everything I know. I respect her for that. I wrote my college essay on her.
The abuse I witnessed and endured as a child. Having a handicapped brother. Having four brothers, two stepbrothers and no sisters. I have a lot of empathy for those around me, don't put up with any bs, and am kind of a tomboy. I'm kind of a mix of things. I have a rabid hatred of women and child abusers, and people who pick on underdogs. However, I have a healthy appreciation of sports, such as football and baseball, and can swear like a sailor. LOL.
- my mother's unwavering support for my artistic endeavors and talents.

- winning two significant talent contests and two recording contracts with RCA.

- being recognized by the senior members of my musician's union.

- meeting the girl who became my wife.
Mom loves dog and that rubbed on to me and i made a movie about a dog :3

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