Saturday, December 5, 2009

What events happend after W.W.I?

1919, 1920, 1921, ...

What events happend after W.W.I?playhouse


What events happend after W.W.I?plays opera theater

Unreasonable war reparations were heaped on Germany (no possible way to pay them) as well as severe military restrictions. The German officer Corps was banned. This, along with the mistrust of a republic form of government by the German citizenry led to the collapse of the German economy. In turn this led to severe political division and chaos in Germany which paved the road for Hitler. That's it in a nutshell.
I dunno but they're all Clinton's fault

G.W. Bush
Stock market crash-1929 /dust bowl / Great depression-multi-years / WWII / Korean war / Polio epidemic / Polio vaccine / Vietnam War / etc...

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