Saturday, December 5, 2009

What events led up to the civil war? dates?

im making a timeline so dates would be great

What events led up to the civil war? dates?getting late

Not so sure about the dates but I will try.

-Nullification, right after the passage of the Alien and sedition acts in 1798.

-Nullification-Tariff crises, in 1831, when South Carolina threatened to nullify a Tariff passes by congress, but then President Jackson threatened to invade.

-Events before the Missouri comprimise in 1820

-Events before the Compromise of 1850, generally dealing with slavery in the territories and admitting new states to the Union

- Dred Scott decistion 1856?ish

- Bleeding Kansas, again mid 1850's

- John Browns raid on Harpers Ferry, 1859.

-Election of Abraham Lincoln, Nov 1860

-Secession of South Carolina, Dec 21 1860

-Secession of ten other Southern states to form the Confederate States of America, Jan-April 1861.

- Confederate soldiers under command of PGT Beuregard fire on Fort Sumpter, April 12, 1861.

What events led up to the civil war? dates?regal theater opera theater

Ya gotta get your own dates, but you can atart with the big compromises--Great Compromise, Missouri Comp, Comp of 1850, Kansas Neb. Act,Dread Scott case, Election of Lincoln, Ft. Sumter
1820 Compromise of 1820 which a new state of Maine as a free state(Maine was an off branch of a big Massachusetts)and Missouri as a slave state.

1832 Nullification Crisis in which South Carolina threatened secession due to violating their states rights against the power of the central government - Jackson intervened against Calhoun, his VP to solve the crisis

1836 Texas desired to declare their independence against Mexico and the Alamo was fought along with San Jacinto and independence was assured Eventually Texas would be annexed in 1845 and Texas came in as a slave state

1850 Compromise of 1850

1853 Fugitive Slave Act outlawing slavery in metro Washington DC

1854 Kansas -Nebraska Act

1857 Dred Scott Decision

1858 Lincoln Douglas debate and Douglas' view of popular sovereignity and states rights concerning slavery

1860 Election of Lincoln to the presidency in which the south felta Lincoln election would end slavery though it was a horrible misunderstanding of Lincoln's position

1860 South Carolina begins the lead on secession of Southern states

1861- Firing on Fort Sumter

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