Thursday, December 10, 2009

What events could happen to make the mid-East a stable and fairly peaceful region?

Only serious, thought out answers please guys. I am looking for politcal, social, religious, or governmental changes that would alter the mid-East landscape in a positive way.

What events could happen to make the mid-East a stable and fairly peaceful region?palace theatre

(0) The U.S. will have to get a government that is taken seriously

(and wants to be taken seriously) by the rest of the world, one

that is driven by well-thought policy rather than ideology and

special interests. Not just some abstract morality of action,

but just compare the esteem that people like John Foster Dulles

(secretary of state in the 1950s) or Adlai Stevenson (U.N. rep.

during the Cuban Missile Crisis) had in the world, with their

counterparts today.

(1) The price of oil crashes hard so that there is no incentive for

others (e.g., Russia) to keep the pot boiling for their own

interests, or else other findings of petroleum resources (like the

relatively recent North Sea) drastically decrease the importance

of the Middle East as a source of oil, or else there is some

startling new development of alternative energy sources that

has the same effect (I don't see this as likely, but then I don't

see any of these as likely).

(2) Significant movements and local leadership arise in some of

the more important countries in the region (e.g., Iran, Saudi

Arabia, Egypt, and maybe Syria) that create progressive

awareness in their societies, better education and employment

opportunities, better status for women. (Notice I didn't say

"democracy" -- not only because that word has been defiled by

George W., but also because most claimed democracies aren't.)

(3) Israel decides to grow up and realize that PR is its biggest

problem. It not only has to behave better in many respects, but

it also has to stop stoking the fires of hatred and giving the

Islamists (who probably are only a minority in every society) an

excuse to do what they do.

What events could happen to make the mid-East a stable and fairly peaceful region?concert tickets opera theaterAmerica has a serious lack of standing in the world, and this is true beyond doubt. One has to be seen to be right. Likewise, with Israel their PR is a disaster; there is no argument on whether they have an image problem. Not a Jew vs. Arab issue (race or nationality does not enter into it). Report It

The events that would have to happen are many. The turks would have to forgive themselves for giving up their lands during the Ottoman Empire, the zionists would have to realise that the formation of their nation-state was not sanctioned by the indigenous people, and they would have to share the land and realise that different religions are just that-different. They both worship the same God, so forgive and forget.

The tensions that are currently there are the result of many events in history that have gone wrong-one right after the other.
it is all depend on the country citizen.

If their citizen can unite and forget all the simple problems that occurs many times ago.if it happen a strong country that build by their own citizen can make the mid-east a stable and fairly peaceful region.
I think we must cut up the land more the people hate so mush it,s to bad that they can,t pull to stop the killing, let me see ,first lock stuff down , don,t let people come pulling in town with cars, trucks,bus, they muss pass the cheek points put up some web cams then have a Locke down at night, no ones moves just the police, and get people to talk tell the give it a try talking never killed any one,
1) Solid progress on a peace between Israel and the Palestiniansl

2) Democratic reforms AT THEIR OWN PACE and choosing that they are not forced into by a foreign state.

3) The United States playing a "behind the scene" role in regional affairs in contrast to direct confrontation. This includes using friendly arab states to act as proxies as opposed to our direct involvement

4) Conditions attatched to our blind support for Israel. If they don't make progress on achieving benchmark X or Y in regards to their regional conflicts, we should cut them off. Just as their needs to be consequences for terrorists..there must be for Israel's negligent behavior.
Without looking at the previous answers here is my thought on your question:

For the mid-East to become a fairly stable and/or peaceful region there would have to be several changes take place. The first change would have to be a general learning of acceptance of others. When one person or group of people, cannot accept a different aspect of another person or group there is bound to be a problem. In some way or another the non-accepting side will attempt to either change or remove the different side. This is what happened in the Roman times and today here in the US. Tolerance of others would be one way.

Another option is to divide the region into individual regions where, hopefully, each group can live with their own kind. However, if you think back to Germany, that didn't work too well under Hitler.

Governmental changes will do nothing until there is a way to reinforce the laws without triggering a retaliation.

In short I believe that tolerance is really the only way that things will change in the mid-East.
It can only happen when Moslems and Jews accept Jesus Christ as the true Saviour.

This will happen to a great degree in the not too distant future, with the Moslems first and then the Jews.

But the opposition to this will be so great that there will be the war of Armageddon before it is complete.

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