Thursday, December 10, 2009

May i propose the notion, that the world events are really happening in a big cycle of irregular pat

i had this idea since my secondary school days, because being a slight sufferer of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, i have a thing for numbers and patterns.

when i was reading on maths and logic, i came across some other scholars or matheticians beliefs that coincided with mine, in that patterns in a cycle does not necessarily have to be regular.

for example, take a look at this trend.

1, 3, 6, 10, 20, 25, 30, 33, 36, 39, 40, 43, 46, 50.

a weak yet certain pattern is observed in this set of numbers, if you follow the trend you should come up with the next number as 100 or 60. because of the irregularities of the number formed, the next event is "highly predictable", yet not with a high "significance level". also, there isnt an explanation on how the number 40 came up instead of 42, making it harder to comprehend the cycle itself. but essentially, it's a big cycle.

just my thoughts on this issue. any similar or opposing views? would love some serious insights on this issue

May i propose the notion, that the world events are really happening in a big cycle of irregular patterns.?mr messed up

There is always a paradox in everything. If one really wants peace one has to fight for it. Change is the phenomenon that does not change or is permanent. At least in a change you could observe a pattern of regularity. The ancient Greeks has the problem of the one and the many regarding beings. Her谩clitus observed that being is many and is impossible to study because they are constantly moving/changing and instantaneously. So that his classic saying is that one cannot bathe twice in the river because that river has changed and it is different from the one you have bathed yourself before.

Parm茅nides on the other hand saw that being is one and immobile and so his classic saying is: you don't have to trust your senses. His classic example was if you dip a rod on the clear water you can see that it is crooked but when you touch it while it is on the water you will feel that it is straight.

Her谩clitus and Parm茅nides are two poles apart but both of them are correct. If we both consider the thinking of these two ancient Greek philosophers, what they think about being compliments each other.

The former expounds something based on the senses while the latter delves on something which is purely logical.

Analyze the statement: The table IS white.

Her谩clitus sees the being in the table (subject) and it's whiteness (attribute) which are really prone to the senses.

On the other hand Parm茅nides sees the being in the IS (verb to be, the existence) which is the only being and permeates both the table and it's whiteness.

You said you are a Christian now. Could you remember when the Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush? When Moses asked Him: "What is your name?", He replied "I AM Who AM". It means, you will know Me by what I will do and is capable of doing.

Parm茅nides' point is in the verb TO BE (I am, you are, he is) which takes it's form in the subject. For to be or being is the one that exists. On the other hand the action which could be grasped by the senses is what existence is for Her谩clitus.

I hope you have observed that in all changes or movements their is always a permanence or unchanging patterns.

Same is with the numbers' regularities and irregularities.

May i propose the notion, that the world events are really happening in a big cycle of irregular patterns.?getting late opera theater

Hakuna matata!
Of course you can. But what predictable consequences does this idea have? If there aren't any, it is a waste of time. If there are some, but the consequences do not obtain, it is also a waste of time.

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