Thursday, December 10, 2009

What events lead russia to forefit world war one?

The Russian Revolution of 1917 effectively put an end to Russia's participation in WWI. The Bolshevik government negotiated a separate peace treaty with the Axis powers. The Russian state, headed by the czar, no longer existed after the Revolution, so the new leadership had good reasons not to continue to prosecute a war waged in the name of imperialism.

The devastating casualties in the early years of WWI probably hastened the rise to power of Lenin, et al. As in most wars, the poorest and most disenfranchised suffer the most. Russia was not equipped to fight a modern mechanized war, so the toll on men and material was even worse than for the other Allies.

What events lead russia to forefit world war one?symphony

Largely, the Bolshevick Revolution.

What events lead russia to forefit world war one?performing arts center opera theater

that one dude is right, it was the revolution of 1917.
Frostbite,supplies,cost,matters at home.
You have to look at the circumstances that created the Russian Revolution - Russia had undergone limited liberal reforms prior to 1917 as a consequence of industrialisation . Logically, these developments and the development of the railway system linking that massive Empire together, theoretically put Russia in a good position to to cope with the demands of WW1. However, autocratic rule remained tight resulting in the home front and war front efforts being ill co-ordinated leading to food and weapons failing to reach troops whose morale tailed off leading them to vote with their feet. Most of the soldiers went to war as peasants but headed back to cities, filled with a desire to change things. Coupled with further liberal and some radical developments in the two main cities, increasingly populated by the working class, Lenin seized the right moment in October, to take advantage of the last failed to prop up the monarchy in the February that preceded it.
the allies were doing great untill lenin seized power and he wanted no part of the war beacuse of his revolution , this gave agreat advantage to the germans to attack france....
25 million dead Russians
There were two "events" that caused Russia to fold in the First World War. They were (1) defeat on the battlefield, followed by (2)revolution at home. The first revolutionaries (often called "Cadets") tried to continue the war. This helped their successors, the "Bolsheviks," to win power in a second "October" revolution. They sued for peace.

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