Thursday, December 10, 2009

What events of WW1 led to WW2.?

I really need to know. And no this is not my homework so please answer Please!!!!!!!!

What events of WW1 led to WW2.?concert tickets

The treaty of versailles was very harsh on germany. so when hitler came around everyone looked up to hitler and went along with is plan because the life and economy was so bad in germany before WWII.

What events of WW1 led to WW2.?theater seating opera theater

The Treaty of Versailles. It fined Germany for EVERYTHING in WWI, which basically pissed off the German people and laid the roots for World War 2 to occur.
1. Extensive war reparations were forced on Germany which meant that they had to borrow heavily from American banks.

2. When Wall Street crashed in 1929, American banks tried to call in their debts. German currency went into hyperinflation and many German banks went under, taking people's savings with them. The resulting economic crisis caused a political crisis with extremist parties of the right and left flourishing by promising quick fixes.

3. Once Hitler's Nazi Party got into power, his nationalist propaganda kept up the belief that Germany should have won the first world war, but had surrendered too easily. It also fostered resentment at the treatment of Germany by the allies. Hitler wanted revenge.
treaty of Versailles

Current Events in the Middle It's homework xD?

I have to find this article on what's happening currently in the Middle East. Anyone have some sites with really good/slightly unboring news? :o thanks.


Current Events in the Middle It's homework xD?performing art center

Try Yahoo News, World, Mid East

Current Events in the Middle It's homework xD?theatre tickets opera theater

i find some african newspapers do very good items on the middle east for some reason. far better than British or American. I wonder is the reason that very few of them are owned by the one person.

Compound Events?

1. Sample space = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

E = {0, 3, 7, 9} F = {2, 3, 5, 6, 9}

Find E U F

2. Find E 鈭?F

3.Find F鈥?/p>

Compound Events?oper

U= numbers from both sets

1) {0,2,3,5,6,7,9}

2) Upside down U= numbers in both sets


3)Find all numbers in sample set, but not in set F


Compound Events?hollywood theater opera theater




Important events that happened during Rosa Parks life?

Not looking for stuff that happened to her but am looking for 5 things that happened to america or the world during this time. Please include dates.

Important events that happened during Rosa Parks life?theater

The death of Emmet Till in 1955 was probably an event that pushed Rosa Parks to the edge and helped contribute to the strength she had to stand against bigotry and intimidation.

What events led to WWII?

I'll try to be short...this is quite an important topic and it is sad how awfully wrong so many people can be..ww2 was not just the Holocaust!

It is best to understand WW2 in context with WW1. Centuries from now they will almost certainly be seen as simply one conflict as far as the European Theatre is they should be already.

The simplest answer to this complex question is that the Allies of WW1 from the time of the emergence of Germany in the mid 1800's, had no intention of letting it upset the balance of power in Europe. The age of Exploration, Colonialism, and Imperialism all played a significant role in setting that balance of power. The rise of Germany and its implications on the other nations are the core of the issue. WW2 was a continuation of what was not settled after WW1.

Before ww1 Germany was a potential foe and friend to all on the continent (Except France-see Franco-Prussian War). The British were the only ones who had nothing to really fear from their German cousins. Once the Kaiser tried to compete on the high seas in the early 1900's and stake a claim to an overseas empire, some in Britain decided to see Germany as an adversary. Believing that they were one ended up making it so in reality.

If we were to accept Wilson's terms of Peace at Versailles, that would mean that what Hitler wanted...the incorporation of Germanic populations elsewhere into the Reich, were not only fair, but were actually right. The people of Austria, Sudetenland, and of the city of Danzig were all enthusiastic about joining Germany regardless of Hitler ever being alive.

It is only "appeasement" then if we are to believe that other nations have the right to demand of others who and what can comprise their own nation. If you beleive that, then yes the Allies appeased Hitler. Obviously though, had Hitler died in ww1, the Germanic populations outside Germany still would have every right of demanding to be part of Germany.

So..the war was then continued by the Allies in September 39, because it refused to give up Danzig to the Germans. The Poles were stood up to fight, which they did bravely, while the Allies could do nothing to stop Germany anyway. The rest of ww2 developed as a consequence of these decisions.

The Allies (France/GB) had not been able to beat Germany in WW1 militarily, and the peace treaty actually did not help permanently defeat Germany either. Though Germany's enemy was always East, the inability for the Allies, justifiably or not, to accept Germany as the ascendent power on the continent resulted in that protracted conflict.

Regardles of Allied refusal to accept this German position, it was powerless to stop it both times, as they needed American boots to save them from Germany imposing that ascendency outright.

What events led to WWII?theatre


What events led to WWII?opera music opera theater

ww2 was basically the holocaust
Germany invading poland
As I understand it...Germany was made to pay reparations for the rest of the world etc for WW1. This led to the downfall of Germany. This was one point of a treaty called The Treaty Of Versailles of which Germany had no say.

Then...after being supposedly rejected into art school in Vienna, Adolf Hitler came about and as any German, although he was Austrian(I think) would do, he rallied people round telling them he would make Germany great again. You would have followed him too if it was your country. The reparations cost Germany alot.

Then,Germany had some defences on some border and Britain had said if Germany crosses this border which in stalemate they will declare war. No one could move. Germany, wanting to be great again took it upon themselves to start the war.

I'm not sure about a few things there but I'm sure that that's most of the main points.
Appeasement. World War 2 could have been easily prevented if the League of Nations had not continuosly appeased Germany for breaking the Treaty of Versailles. After being appeased once and then twice, Germany believed that he could continue breaking the treaty without suffering any consequences. That was until they invaded Poland when the League of Nations realized that Germany had to be stopped and the war was inevitable. So in order words, appeasement of Hitler's actions led to World War 2.

Current Events section-is it safe..?

has a bit of a reputation I've heard?

Current Events section-is it safe..?pacific theater

It is like life....good'uns %26amp; bad'uns..

Unsafe at times, but it can be fun.

The most important thing is never give up :-)

Current Events section-is it safe..?phantom of the opera opera theater

They're watching you right now!! lol
Run away,run away!!!!!
It does have a reputation, their are alot of trolls in this section.
yeah it's fine here

at the minute anyway

funny how I've never seen a new user make their Q%26amp;A's profile private so quickly

but I wont say a word :)
I wouldn't go in there unless you're heavily armed...
You need to have a very thick skin in this section ~ make of that what you will..!!
who are you? you got id

this place is a p.ussy cats paradise.

youre welcome in here hun,

don't let the bullies piss you off.
lol @ Scotch mist, yeah feels like I'm in heaven !
Very astute Mrs. GC. first thing I check, mind you it's very brave of me to be in this part of the world for so long.

To answer your question, it's a bit like walking on Bodmin Moor, everything looks green and peaceful until you step into a bog.
it varies

some times it is good fun and there are many interesting questions to answer

at other times it seems to be violation central - with the offence of choice being 'chat'
unsafe at any speed.
Well I've just been correctly brought to heel, so yes its safe. what reputation? I avoid Polls and surveys one word answers.

It's not lock inside the safe.

It's out there on the internet.

Luke 8.10,17

What do you think?
doesn't often seem like a site for real current events or news, more about having a pop at someone or making rude jokes or comments.
Take no notice of Mr Tickle, Stephs a pussycat :)

Current events has gone downhill a bit lately, theres not so much music here anymore, as long as you aint here for the points youre safe

Parties, events and nightclubs for under 16s?

anyone know any nightclubs that have nights for teenagers?

Parties, events and nightclubs for under 16s?the grand theater

Yeah, but how far do you want to travel and where do you live.

May i propose the notion, that the world events are really happening in a big cycle of irregular pat

i had this idea since my secondary school days, because being a slight sufferer of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, i have a thing for numbers and patterns.

when i was reading on maths and logic, i came across some other scholars or matheticians beliefs that coincided with mine, in that patterns in a cycle does not necessarily have to be regular.

for example, take a look at this trend.

1, 3, 6, 10, 20, 25, 30, 33, 36, 39, 40, 43, 46, 50.

a weak yet certain pattern is observed in this set of numbers, if you follow the trend you should come up with the next number as 100 or 60. because of the irregularities of the number formed, the next event is "highly predictable", yet not with a high "significance level". also, there isnt an explanation on how the number 40 came up instead of 42, making it harder to comprehend the cycle itself. but essentially, it's a big cycle.

just my thoughts on this issue. any similar or opposing views? would love some serious insights on this issue

May i propose the notion, that the world events are really happening in a big cycle of irregular patterns.?mr messed up

There is always a paradox in everything. If one really wants peace one has to fight for it. Change is the phenomenon that does not change or is permanent. At least in a change you could observe a pattern of regularity. The ancient Greeks has the problem of the one and the many regarding beings. Her谩clitus observed that being is many and is impossible to study because they are constantly moving/changing and instantaneously. So that his classic saying is that one cannot bathe twice in the river because that river has changed and it is different from the one you have bathed yourself before.

Parm茅nides on the other hand saw that being is one and immobile and so his classic saying is: you don't have to trust your senses. His classic example was if you dip a rod on the clear water you can see that it is crooked but when you touch it while it is on the water you will feel that it is straight.

Her谩clitus and Parm茅nides are two poles apart but both of them are correct. If we both consider the thinking of these two ancient Greek philosophers, what they think about being compliments each other.

The former expounds something based on the senses while the latter delves on something which is purely logical.

Analyze the statement: The table IS white.

Her谩clitus sees the being in the table (subject) and it's whiteness (attribute) which are really prone to the senses.

On the other hand Parm茅nides sees the being in the IS (verb to be, the existence) which is the only being and permeates both the table and it's whiteness.

You said you are a Christian now. Could you remember when the Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush? When Moses asked Him: "What is your name?", He replied "I AM Who AM". It means, you will know Me by what I will do and is capable of doing.

Parm茅nides' point is in the verb TO BE (I am, you are, he is) which takes it's form in the subject. For to be or being is the one that exists. On the other hand the action which could be grasped by the senses is what existence is for Her谩clitus.

I hope you have observed that in all changes or movements their is always a permanence or unchanging patterns.

Same is with the numbers' regularities and irregularities.

May i propose the notion, that the world events are really happening in a big cycle of irregular patterns.?getting late opera theater

Hakuna matata!
Of course you can. But what predictable consequences does this idea have? If there aren't any, it is a waste of time. If there are some, but the consequences do not obtain, it is also a waste of time.

Cite events on which mutation can occur?


Cite events on which mutation can occur?tickets

Cite events on which mutation can occur?ballet opera theater






im not exactly sure what you are looking for when you say "events on which mutation can occur," but i will take a shot at answering.

exposure to UV light is one cause of genetic mutation. your DNA consists of pairs of A-T and G-C (Adenine-Thymine, Gaunine-Cytosine), called "base pairs." when in your DNA there are two T's side by side on one strand, exposure to UV light can cause them to bind together, creating a Thymine dimer. this can cause problems later, when genes need to be transcribed or replicated.

another example of an event which sometimes causes mutation in developing babies is something called nondisjunction. when a cell undergoes meiosis (reproduction) the cell has to copy its DNA, then line up the copies in condensed chromosomes and split them apart so each new daughter cell gets half of the DNA. sometimes however, a mistake is made and paired chromosomes do not disjoin correctly, giving all genetic information from one chromosome pair to only one of the cells. this results in several "odd" physical expressions, including down's syndrome.

there are many, many mutations which occur in eukaryotic cells commonly, and for many reasons. we undergo mutations ourselves on a near daily basis (for 1 in 4 people this unfortunately will result in cancer with time), they are simply not noticed by us because our amazing bodies have ways of coping with them, and because we have many portions of noncoding DNA (introns) insterted randomly in our genetic code which makes mutation of significant genes much less likely. I would suggest asking a doctor, biology teacher, or consulting a textbook for further information.

Current Events- Isnt this odd????

Madeleine was patented as a Trademark only 5 DAYS after she vanished.?

Which is likely to mean that both Gerry and Kate knew this would be long-term, and that their new "careers" were already being looked into. The filing date is 18th March. As shown here.

It means that, "Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned", is now a registered trademark, and unauthorized and unlicensed use of the name is prohibited.

It likely means that MissingMadeleineInc. intends to be around for the long haul, and will likely use their corporate goodwill and expertise to continue to raise funds for other causes.

What is most pertinent is "charitable and non-charitable services relating to the provision of assistance to families and others affected by missing children. "

That suggests that they will charge fees for assisting others who have a child which has gone missing?

Current Events- Isnt this odd????comedy club

Anyone who doesn't agree with the question and who thinks trademarking 'Madeleine' as a brand so quickly isn't at all odd really needs to get a grip on their brain. I would be quite happy to be sympathetic. But so-called 'McCann haters' aren't born, they're made.

And they're made by the truly bizarre behaviour of this couple right from the outset.

It seems that anyone who focuses on 'what happened to Madeleine' is automatically labelled a 'McCann hater'. What we should be focusing on, exclusively apparently, is the pain of Kate and Gerry. The return of Madeleine is important because it would serve to 'ease the pain' of Kate and Gerry.

Unfortunately, if Madeleine had been 8 or 9 years old, it wouldn't be so easy for so many people to think of her simply as a lost asset of K%26amp;G Inc rather than as a person in her own right who was neglected by those charged with protecting her.

The only responsibility of a parent is the protection of their child. That's it. There aren't any others. Their own welfare is secondary to that responsibility and a very remote second to boot.

I was as ready for empathy and sympathy as the next person when this story broke. As ready for support and tears as for the Chapmans and the Wellses

But K%26amp;Gs lies about what happened that evening - three at the latest count - the secrecy, the PR 'campaign' that followed and the total lack of remorse or even admission of responsibility have meant that all my sympathy is with the child. Who remains the real and only victim here.

Current Events- Isnt this odd????sheet music opera theater

wtf?!! your links don't even work!!
It's the original question really - who has benefited by Madeleine's disappearance? It really is time that this aspect was looked into very closely.
Oh my, you have raised a good question here, that will no doubt cause a bit of controversy!

Yet, it seems that there will be a charge........WTF?

It seems that the 锟?signs are truly in their eyes!
Failing to register the trust name would leave it open for other scammers to cream the money off by asking for donations to their bank balances instead of the fund.
Dead Links...

But yeah, where there is money to be made... Greedy hands will come to grasp.

Nearly everything happens for the wrong reason.
You don't think that perhaps they registered the trademark to stop people fraudulently setting up websites in order to benefit from Madeleine's disappearance? I'm not sure what your point is here -are you suggesting they thought "wahey! Our daughter's been taken, perhaps there's a buck to be made here" or even "Lets hire someone to dispose of our daughter, what a great business opportunity!"?

Try putting some of that time and energy into something positive rather than looking for reasons to malign someone. And try to bear in mind that there's a little girl out there, dead or alive, and nobody knows what's happened to her. However much you hate the McCanns, and for whatever personal reasons you have, surely you have to sympathise just a TINY bit? Maybe you don't have children.
You must have a problem besides not understanding on the type of real problem you're talking about. Maybe you're Innocent=ignorant because you don't imagine you don't know how awful that parents situation must be. Please try to get a closer idea on the dangers and horrors that yes happen today in a "civilized" world. I'm one of the millions in this world that would give millions more if I had to try the miracle to happen if possible - pray to God that it will

This is speculation.

It makes one angry when things such as this happen to innocent babies.

That child is continually in my prayers and until she is found I will not forget the little soul.

Let us put our energy into not forgetting her.

And what her parents must be going through I cannot imagine.

Take care!
I think we should be wondering what parent leaves their child in a hotel room full stop?????

Parents should not leave children alone in a foreign country, even just for a bite to eat.
that's odd, but after finding out today what other British MD's are up to it does not surprise me, I am just glad that my doctor is a good old fashioned jew.
Well said foxymoron, that sums it nicely for me.
Well answered Bobby L. Sorry I give up I cannot seem to get any link to work, probably me not very good at the computer.

Why two thumbs down? No hidden meanings, I cannot get the links to work. I will take them as a reflection of my computer skills and not my parenting skills!
This whole issue is extremely suspect. I can't see that poor child ever getting home. Is the way in which the Portugese police deal with the media always like this - a blackout. Have the McCanns spent much time in portugal and do they know the criminal system there. If they did it may be something they used.
This just gets worse by the minute, I cannot understand how the Parental Neglect worshipers on this site can make themselves so blind to the naked commercialism here, at a time when any respectable parent or family member would either be sobbing their hearts out, or ripping doors off houses to search for their lovely baby, these....

OOhhhh, add words...

were cynically setting up a future for themselves...

I have never been convinced that they were guilty of anything other than neglect, but, ohhhh, this is making me think that there is sooooooo much more to it....

Well, where to start. There is so much wild speculation in your "question" it defies belief.

By 2 weeks after Madeleine's disappearance (3rd May + 15 days = 2 weeks, 1 day), it is already known that the McCanns had consulted lawyers about setting up the fund. I assume that, by then, they had started to receive money from well-wishers and certainly at least one wealthy individual had offered a reward. I expect that one of the lawyers or someone they consulted suggested this as a standard way of protecting the fund from fraud based on prior experience with similar undertakings. To read this as evidence of the McCanns complicity is preposterous.

As for the language you quote, you are making so much more of it than it warrants. I am sure the language again comes from the lawyers and is intended to allow for unanticipated developments. I think the intent of the fund is clear and I believe that it will operate within a regulatory framework even if it is not the same as the one covering registered charities.

As for the airport video, I've watched it and I don't hear the expletive. Give me a link to the one you've seen or I'll assume you just made that up, too.

The events that take place in a story make up the story's?

outline...hope this helps

The events that take place in a story make up the story's?concerts


The events that take place in a story make up the story's?headache opera theater

subplots and plot

Good Luck and God Bless!!

What events would it take to qualify the USA as a third world nation?

Worthless currency, tremendous foreign debt, rising cost of goods, stagnant wages, housing crisis, skyrocketing inflation or all of the above....

Because all those things are already happening.

What events would it take to qualify the USA as a third world nation?playhouse

Another Republican in the White House is all it would take.

What events would it take to qualify the USA as a third world nation?plays opera theater

It already is - by Zionist design!

But they still need its MIC to carry out the destruction of the countries of the middle east.
War with Iran.
If we started to trap little America hating monkey boys for food.
It would take No money, other countries relieving us of debt, No food, No wages, little to no housing, no worries about inflation because you have no money anyway...THAT is a third world nation...NOW GET A JOB! And get a haircut while your at it.

CURRENT EVENTS Time we changed our votingsystem so that pro-white parties are fairlyrepresented like

Polls show that pro-white parties like the BNP have as much support as they do in France and other countries but are suppressed by our 'first past the post' system.

Almost everyone I know says they would vote BNP but it's a 'wasted vote'.

This poll shows 20% would SERIOUSLY consider voting BNP even with our biased system:

CURRENT EVENTS Time we changed our votingsystem so that pro-white parties are fairlyrepresented like in Franceclassical music

Ohhh, great just force people to vote for the nazi party why don't you...

CURRENT EVENTS Time we changed our votingsystem so that pro-white parties are fairlyrepresented like in Francems stress opera theater

Are you that stupid, if people wanted to vote for the BNP they would.

The majority of this country lucky enough are not small minded racist bigots.

BNP will never ever gain power.........and thank god for that!

Only the Chavs on JSA will vote for them..........
its time for change and to put britain first
Yes but we should have proportional representation (PR) for all our parties, not just the racists.

With a fair system the communists and other minority parties like yours would be represented.

You might be disappointed to know that the largest party swing under PR would be for the LibDems, followed by the Green Party. All the other timewasters would probably get a few seats in Parliament too.
A poll of 900 proves what?

MAke all prisioners serve their full term. Great, who's going to pay for all the extra jails? Are you going to let one be built in you back garden?

These are all very easy knee-jerk reactions but life isn't as simple as that.

Finally, are yu aware of how many convited violent assualts there are in the high-rankings of the BNP? Also, are you also aware of some of their other lovely pledges like holocuast denial in schools.

BNP were allowed to be represented like everybody else and they failed. We have a government of people represeinting us, not a presidential system like America and France.
God, that is terrifying news. I'm as British as can be, and proud of it - so proud that the minute those BNP bastards ever get into power I am emmigrating.
its time for change and to put britain first

Whats wrong with the BMP.
Why do you want to live in a fascist state?
I'd like to ask Dave S what he thinks the bigger picture is?

These are the facts of this Country....

Last time we as a family went to vote we we're turned away from our usual voting station (been using same station for 6 years) because it was Asian only voting......whats wrong with this picture? our laws and the way this country is racially UN-EQUAL but not against the Asian etc.....its against the white's..

I seriously feel the Gov have caused many of the racial feel in this Country by the way they have allowed some culture's, races etc to have rights we so balatantly wouldn't be allowed....Can you imagine what would happen if we asked for an all white voting station....screams of racism..

Down at our local shop is an advert in the window asking for a women to apply for a particular job, at the end of the poster is "only Asian women need apply" again could I do that? no!!

Intergration will only ever work when one Country and the people wanting to live, work and get educated in that Country will abide FULLY with the Countries Law's etc. It will never work when you've got one Law for one and one for another.

We visited many Countries and done our homework before we left about its Laws, cultures you should when visiting many cultures so diverse from our own. .We have NOT ever had the right to drink in Countries where it is against their Law....just because we're English. As female's we have been unable to enter certain certain Countries because we're white and or not covered properly.

Instead we have respected the cultures and religious beliefs of the Countries we've been have to...not a choice...

Meanwhile here for example...we talk of allowing school children to wear the veil to school...we allow them to take driving tests and have passprts wearing the veil,

Has anyone had their passport returned because the photo was "not quite central"...we did this daughters was returned because "the photo was slightly too far to the left of the frame.." meanwhile (she's a teacher) a mother of a child in her class was showing her first British passport off and there was the photo with FULL VEIL!!!LOL well say's everything really about this Countries Politic's....and yes I know its the passport offices decision but they are governed by the GOV....

I understand many of the customs are religious and cultural beliefs BUT..when you visit another Country you abide by their beliefs....they do not bend to yours.....however long your visiting for..

Time this Country got its priorities back.....and in case they've forgot its to its Countrymen...whatever colour, race or gender...but it should also be a child "YOU SHOULD NEVER GIVE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER..."

Stop bending the rules for some while shushing the rest of us up when we don't like the unfairness of it all.........Do they know equal means 50/50 not 80/20?

I agree they should be allowed to practice and keep alive all their cultural and religious beliefs as well as pass them onto their children....but not if in the next 15 20 years it will mean my children and grandchildren will loose some of their rights in this Country.......

Major events that happened in aunt baba's life from 1951-1972 (Falling Leaves)?

Research Guides for Students.

"Student Researcher is easy to use, fast, and offered me everything I needed, just type the "Author's" name and or the "Title" into the search engine.


What events lead russia to forefit world war one?

The Russian Revolution of 1917 effectively put an end to Russia's participation in WWI. The Bolshevik government negotiated a separate peace treaty with the Axis powers. The Russian state, headed by the czar, no longer existed after the Revolution, so the new leadership had good reasons not to continue to prosecute a war waged in the name of imperialism.

The devastating casualties in the early years of WWI probably hastened the rise to power of Lenin, et al. As in most wars, the poorest and most disenfranchised suffer the most. Russia was not equipped to fight a modern mechanized war, so the toll on men and material was even worse than for the other Allies.

What events lead russia to forefit world war one?symphony

Largely, the Bolshevick Revolution.

What events lead russia to forefit world war one?performing arts center opera theater

that one dude is right, it was the revolution of 1917.
Frostbite,supplies,cost,matters at home.
You have to look at the circumstances that created the Russian Revolution - Russia had undergone limited liberal reforms prior to 1917 as a consequence of industrialisation . Logically, these developments and the development of the railway system linking that massive Empire together, theoretically put Russia in a good position to to cope with the demands of WW1. However, autocratic rule remained tight resulting in the home front and war front efforts being ill co-ordinated leading to food and weapons failing to reach troops whose morale tailed off leading them to vote with their feet. Most of the soldiers went to war as peasants but headed back to cities, filled with a desire to change things. Coupled with further liberal and some radical developments in the two main cities, increasingly populated by the working class, Lenin seized the right moment in October, to take advantage of the last failed to prop up the monarchy in the February that preceded it.
the allies were doing great untill lenin seized power and he wanted no part of the war beacuse of his revolution , this gave agreat advantage to the germans to attack france....
25 million dead Russians
There were two "events" that caused Russia to fold in the First World War. They were (1) defeat on the battlefield, followed by (2)revolution at home. The first revolutionaries (often called "Cadets") tried to continue the war. This helped their successors, the "Bolsheviks," to win power in a second "October" revolution. They sued for peace.

What events occur during the body鈥榮 response to shock?

In early shock, your body's symapathic nervous system acts to increase heart rate, decrease pulse strength, slow digestion, dilate your pupils, skin gets clammy, anxiety - it's the fight or flight mechanism.

In late shock, or decompensated shock, your blood pressure falls and you are less responsive. This means that your injuries are too severe for your body to compensate for them and homeostasis is lost.

What events occur during the body鈥榮 response to shock?performing show

pupils dialate, heart rate and respirations increase. if bad enough blood pressure will drop.

What events occur during the body鈥榮 response to shock?opera score opera theater

The dangerous ones are a drop in blood pressure and decreased body temperature. The person may also have dialated pupils, shivering, excessive sweating, and be unresponsive.

Hope this helps.

Historical events rememberd on the last supper?


The last supper was the Passover meal

It recalled the bitter times left behind and their deliverance from Egypt

Historical events rememberd on the last supper?comedy show

Are you referring to the Seder?

It commemorates the deliverance from Egyptian slavery.

What events is Weird Al referring to in his song, "Headline News?"?

Once, there was this kid who

Took a trip to Singapore and brought along his spray paint

And when he finally came back

He had cane marks all over his bottom

He said that it was from when

The warden whacked it so hard

This refers to Michael Kane, and American in SIngapore who was jailed and sentenced to caning for graffitti

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm

(*whip* sound) Ahh

Once there was this girl who

Swore that one day she would be a figure skating champion

And when she finally made it

She saw some other girl who was better (*ding* sound)

And so she hired some guy to

Club her in the kneecap

This refers to fingure skater Tonya Harding who had her ex-husband and friend whack Nancy Kerrigan in the kneecap to get her spot on the Olympic Ice Skating Team

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm

(*thwack* sound) Ahh

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm

They got paid for their sound bites

And sold their TV movie rights

And then, there was this guy who

Made his wife so mad one night that she cut off his weiner

And when he finally came to

He found that Mr. Happy was missing

He couldn't quite explain it

It'd always just been there

This refers to John Bobbit, who's wife Lorena cut off his penis while he wqas sleeping and flung it from her car as she drove away.

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm

Ahh ahh (There) ahh ahh (Were), ahh ahh (There) ahh ahh (Is)

Ahh ahh (There) ahh ahh (Were), ahh ahh (There) ahh ahh (Is)

Ahh ahh (There) ahh ahh (Were), ahh ahh (There) ahh ahh (Is)

Ahh ahh (There) ahh ahh (Were), ahh ahh (There) ahh ahh (Is)

(There were, there is)

(There were, there is)

What events is Weird Al referring to in his song, "Headline News?"?events

No problem. It was fun to scratch my brain for the names and then find the links! Report It

If you could travel back in time, or had the technological means to do so, what events you'd ch


1-) What period would you travel back in time to?

2-) What event (preferrably a tragic one) would you change to make our present "reality" a better one and an even greater future?

3-)Why did you choose such an event?

4-) Would you take responsibility for changing this event, realising that this ONE event could change your entire "universe" and create a different "reality"?

If you could travel back in time, or had the technological means to do so, what events you'd change?say yes

I wouldn't travel in time.. Parodoxs.. Every event has some baring on all other events.. Change one event in the past and all subsequent events are changed..

There is no guarentee I wouldn't screw things up worse than they are by changing an event in the past..

Leave the past where it is (in the past), learn from it so the same mistakes are not repeated and move forward...

If you could travel back in time, or had the technological means to do so, what events you'd change?palace theatre opera theater

The path i have traveled hasn't been easy but I love where I am now so if i changed something I might not be here.
I would have received Jesus as my Lord and Savior sooner so that my life would have been better.
To be honest, I would probably think about things from a totally selish standpoint. I would take certain actions that would change things in my own life. That's a bit sad, I know. But I would likely think about that.

If I could prevent a few wars, maybe human technological advancements would be much greater by now.
Nothing. Part of life is learning, and all of the wrongs of the world have taught us something, even back to the extinction of the dinosaurs. That allowed mammals, and then humans to flourish.
I'd travel back to the time of Adolf Hitler's parents conceiving him, and prevent it somehow.
I would go back to the time of Adam and Eve and stop them from eating the fruit that has caused all of the problems the world has had since.

As for Why? and the other questions it would be Paradise on Earth then. As God intended it.
I would travel back to Biblical times and ask Jesus to clarify his position once and for all. I believe that I would find that he was a misunderstood hippy, and that he was pissed that so many people had misused his teachings to justify so much death, destruction, hatred and fear mongering. Maybe I could somehow have this recorded, so that all of the crap that has happened as a result of these misunderstandings could be avoided and our world would be a much better place. I wouldn't bother to take any of the credit, though; I would leave it all to Jesus, so that people would realize who he had really been and what he had really stood for. Maybe then being a Christian would mean an entirely different thing than what it has come to mean over the ensuing centuries since his unfortunate death.
I'd go to several different times and places: I'd do my best to change the following events: Titanic, Pearl Harbor, assassin. of Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon, just a few off the top of my head.... Cause it would save lives and/or make the world a better place. Yep, I believe everyone should take responsibility for their actions
history is past and meddling with it would cause a paradox in the space and time continium and there fore everything as we know it good and bad would be differently affected!
If God knows everything, then he must be powerless to change reality, without our free-will decisions. Whether we act or not, we effect the entire cosmos forever. This is the stuff of nightmares. You can ignore these facts, or you can hand the curse back to God, and say I'm sorry sir, it's not my job...

Or, you an go back to your bank account, when it was at it's greatest, withdraw everything. Then, go back a moment before that, and repeat. And reapeat till you're filthy rich.
you asking this question
There are MANY events that I would have changed... ALL of which were tragic, but changing ONE LITTLE SECOND or ONE TINY EVENT in time would make EVERYTHING that came after it ALL DIFFERENT... changing something MASSIVE like say the World Trade Center disaster or John Kennedy's Assasination or his son's plane crash would all have a definite effect on the present. Or if the 7 Astronauts were not blown up in the Challengar...every second that ticks by would have been changed if these events had not taken place---lets say the Death of Princess Diana definitely would have changed British History----maybe for the better!!!! And something as insignificant as waking up a few minutes earlier or later on any given day---or wearing a blue shirt rather then a white one CAN and often DOES change the course of your own PERSONAL present and future.... I'm reminded of the man who USED to work for Cantor Fitzgerald who stayed HOME from work on September 11th because he had to do something with his daughter I think----had he GONE to work that day, that man would have died with all his other co-workers... had his daughter not made him late----think about it!!
This is what first sprang to mind when i read your question -

I would go back and stop smoking being introduced - that way i wouldn't have lost my dad to cancer and a millions and millions of other people wouldn't have lost loved ones to smoking related dieases, or have had to of suffered a smoking related illness.

I wouldn't be smoking either.....
If I could travel back in time to change a single event, I would travel back to the Crucifixion of Jesus.

I would then rescue him from the cross. Stopping his martyrdom at some point between being placed on the cross, but before his self-prophesied death would unravel the fabric of the entire Jesus-son-of-God myth.

I choose this event because the death of Jesus of Nazareth heralded some 2000 years of ignorance, hatred, bigotry, and war. All in the name of a "loving" god and his martyred Rabbi.

Erasing the event would alter the entire history of the western world from then to the present day. Whether or not this would be beneficial is completely unknown, but given the history of the Christian religion, any other faith would have difficulty screwing the world up as much as the Cult of Christ has. However, I am prone to believe that without Christianity, a great many wars and atrocities would not occur, science and philosophy would be much more advanced, and that human society as a whole would benefit from a more broad range of ethical and moral ideals.

Taking responsibility for the act is a moot point. Once events were changed, no one (except possibly me) would be aware of the altered reality.

I would change "Roe vs Wade"
I would travel back to 1970 and ensure that Britain never joined the EEC, also ensure that the truth about that dictatorial and criminal organisation was widely known. The present actions of the politicians makes such a choice imperative. Of course I would take responsibility as UK would be much safer and the foreign criminals could be deported.
You cannot get around the time paradox. If you go back in time you create the world that you then go back in time to change.

What events are a must do in the Cayman islands in May?

Visit the east end of the island.It's very secluded.

What events are a must do in the Cayman islands in May?getting late

i have never been to the cayman islands but honeymooning you must be naked as much as possible

What events in your life made you become who you are today?

I don't mean all the birth stuff but for example:The first stray cat that came to me made me a cat lover.

What events in your life made you become who you are today?ballet

i was magnetizes by a drawing of the Apollo landing at the moon when it happen during my first year in school

it give me the imagination that i can draw my first star too and my life grow up loving to do drawing since

What events in your life made you become who you are today?globe theater opera theater

I was captured by an UFO, and it changed everything for me
everything that has happened in my life has made me who i am today. everything that has happened has had an influence on what i like and what i dislike.
Ranover and left for dead in the street in a hit and run accident.
i geuss all of them
Meeting my stepmother. I hate this woman with a passion but she taught me almost everything I know. I respect her for that. I wrote my college essay on her.
The abuse I witnessed and endured as a child. Having a handicapped brother. Having four brothers, two stepbrothers and no sisters. I have a lot of empathy for those around me, don't put up with any bs, and am kind of a tomboy. I'm kind of a mix of things. I have a rabid hatred of women and child abusers, and people who pick on underdogs. However, I have a healthy appreciation of sports, such as football and baseball, and can swear like a sailor. LOL.
- my mother's unwavering support for my artistic endeavors and talents.

- winning two significant talent contests and two recording contracts with RCA.

- being recognized by the senior members of my musician's union.

- meeting the girl who became my wife.
Mom loves dog and that rubbed on to me and i made a movie about a dog :3

Curious, why are Indian weddings traditionally such HUGE events with often over 600 guests?

My intention is not to offend anyone. I'm planning a wedding and through research, I've come across a lot of beautiful weddings for Indian brides living in the United States.

It seems that traditionally, Indian weddings have LOTS of guests! I couldn't imagine knowing so many people so I'm just wondering...

Is it traditional?

How do you know all of those people?

Do you invite only close friends and family or do you open your wedding to associates and acquaintances since it's a big event?

How do you afford such extravagance? Do Indian families traditionally save up for their children's wedding from a young age?

Thanks in advance for the info! I'm so interested in understanding this tradition! I absolutely love the pictures I've seen of these weddings and wish that I could afford to have one just like it... and that I knew as many people to celebrate with me :-)

Curious, why are Indian weddings traditionally such HUGE events with often over 600 guests?sheet music

Hi there. I think an Indian only can answer u well for this question.Yes it is traditional ceremony and the people we call are either our relatives or friends or well wishers.

See we Indians believe in love and relationships which last for lifetime. Whenever any Indian girl want to marry someone it means she intend to spend her whole life with life partner. As we consider this one of the most important event we call our all relatives, friends, etc. Because for us marriage is not only bonding of two people but two families.

It's like a big get together party where all relatives and close people say as friends come together to wish bride and groom for their weddings and bless for their future.

Weddings is also event where parents of unmarried son / daughter search for their would be son / doughty in law.

And every Indian save some money for his children's marriage as we believe it's as a best, wonderful and most memorable moment of their life. It is depend on every person's economic condition up to how much he can spend or how memorable wedding he wish to be.

Wedding is the most important, happiest event in everyone life. So to celebrate this we call all our loved ones.

Curious, why are Indian weddings traditionally such HUGE events with often over 600 guests?state theatre opera theater

I am not Indian, but from growing up in mixed neighborhoods, this is what I noticed:

Indian and Arab weddings are usually this large because you send one invitation to a family and they bring like 7 people. It's like the entire community is invited.

Ya know like you might mail an invite to a household, and those people might tell their brothers family to come as well.

My wedding was about 300 people, but they were actually people I specifically invited. I have a HUGE family. You know Big Fat Greek Wedding? yeah, that's us...only we're Italian.
I am an indian but not married yet.. It all depends on your finicial situation.. if you can afford it then you invite everyone you know.. if you can't then you invite close families and friends.. Usually it is the first scenario, everyone is invited.

Yes it is traditional..

All those people are your friends and family members (I.e. like american weeding, we don't tell you to leave your kids at home )

Yes most of the indian families save up for their childrens weddings.. l
Actually , a wedding is the mopst imp thing the parent's will have on their mind from the time the child enters maybe the age of 13-14.And if its a girl thjen the worries no know bounds.So they kaeep aside a major chunk of their savings for the child's wedding.Now as for the guests the truth is that u have to invite every single person from ur ex-neighbour who once stayed close to u 800 yrs ago to ur dad's friend's momo's grandma's brother.(It goes oin and on.The moment u fell u've invited everyone u suddenly remember people who've been left out.No matter what ur budget is , ultimately it ends up being an extravagant affair.But the fact remains that Indian weddings have their own resplendence and splendour which makes them exellent
Because its only one time in life in india...!!
i am an indian. and its true that parents start saving since the birth of their child. in india, marriage is not just a paper formality. its the fusion of two persons, two families, two souls. marriage is the thing that indian girls dream since they come into senses.

marriage in india is a gala function which intends to spread happiness to everyone. indian marriages are too good. u should get into one and see it.

being an indian, i bet you will enjoy this tradition.
In a lot of cultures (not just Indian), tons of guests are invited. The list gets so big because everyone even remotely related to the couple is invited. Anyone who has ever touched their lives is also invited, so that basically includes anyone the couple has ever met. When the list becomes that flexible, you find that you really do know that many people.

Yes, weddings are saved up for from a very early age. Also, many family members (usually the bride's) pitch in, like uncles and grandparents.

Horse events paso robles ca.?

fair grounds 2007

Horse events paso robles ca.?headache

"Equine Experience, California's Hands On Horse Fair, will be held March 30 - April 1, 2007 at the Mid State fairgrounds in Paso Robles, California." Also try going to this site: . It has a list of events in March. Good luck!

Summer events girls are into?

different girls, diff interests, diff stuff. U will find girls at all diff stuff. Just go to one.

Summer events girls are into?plays

Festivals %26amp; bbqs!!

What events and fugures have shaped the development of islam in the u.s.?

10 points to best answer!

What events and fugures have shaped the development of islam in the u.s.?ms stress

LOL, we know about the 10 points.

Honestly and sadly it's 9/11. not just in america but in the whole world.

What events and fugures have shaped the development of islam in the u.s.?home theater system opera theater

9/11 has helped us understand what Islam is really about; blowing up innocent people.

Strange Events in Dates & My Life?

Do you find this strange? If so what are your thoughts, Nine years ago I moved from home to start over I landed a job in sales I was Hired on April 2,1998, As I completed this job phase in sales I moved on to others jobs and then to Medical School My life has not been easy very dertermined to make things happened, Now nine years later sence my shruggle I have searched and searched for the right job and place, Today I was hired into a doctors office first day on the job today and WHAT DAY IS THIS, Nine years ago from today April 2,2007. For one to understand why I ask this question would be to walk a mile in my shoes of having had to shruggle trying to find jobs searching for the right job one that has the right group of people to work with, Basicly it has been hell for me, But now as of today nine years later, I think I may have found my calling. Anyone out there feel where I'm coming from?

Strange Events in Dates %26amp; My Life?binoculars

Congrats on the job!!! You deserve some good stuff!

I hear you, and feel what you went through as well. I have had 81/2 yrs of hell, and now finally things are starting to come together for me too. Funny, but now I hope that Sept 9,2007 is my lucky day , since my hell started 9-9-98. There is hope for me yet!

Strange Events in Dates %26amp; My Life?violin opera theater

You claim no one can relate since they haven't been in your shoes, why do you bother asking then?
I have to say that in one way I understand where you are coming from, I was stuck doing home day care because the cost of daycare was so expensive in our area, and there were not any good paying jobs to support the pay of daycare. Once my youngest started school fulltime I was able to go out and search for the perfect job. I have that now and am happy.
ya thats wierd

What events started the war with iraq?

The election of George W. Bush to the office of President of the United States.

This has been in his plans since he decided to run for office.

What events started the war with iraq?performing arts center

saddam put hit out on g. w's. daddy

What events started the war with iraq?sunshine opera theater

The first one in the early 90's started when Iraq invaded Kuwait and the coalition including the US threw them back without taking over Bagdad. This one started when an Iraqi defector falsely informed the US intelligence that Iraq contained WMD's in stockpiles and the intel guys swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
Pulling out of Vietnam, and Jimmy Carter's failure to destroy the militant islamofascists in Iran in 1980. That is what led the islamofascists to believe we were a weak people. Had we taken care of business then when we had an excuse, the history of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan would have been much different, there would have likely been no Iraq/Iran war, so saddam would likely have been deposed by his own people (he used the war to rally them to his cause). Bin Laden would likely still be suckin slurpies in a Saudi palace. 9-11 would not have happened. And Islamofascism would not be the force it is today. So THANK YOU JIMMY CARTER. $hithead. worst president in history.
Actually, the war with Iraq is a hold over from the first Gulf War. In 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. The US military and a coalition went in and forced the Iraqi army to retreat back to Baghdad but they did not finish the job. A sort of cease fire quickly followed but the US essentially occupied Iraq from the air for the next 12 years (until 2003). In that time, the UN passed a number of resolutions against Hussein's government but really did not do anything to him. One can argue over George Bush's motivations, but basically, the US demanded that the UN enforce it's own sanctions. They did not, so the US took it upon itself and gave Iraq a deadline to conform to the UN resolutions. When the deadline passed and Iraq did nothing, we put forces back on the ground and marched in, this time all the way to Baghdad, taking down Hussein and his Baathist government.

Those are the events that got us to this point. The wisdom of taking out Hussein, trying to install a democracy, and dismantling Iraq's military forces can and probably will be debated for a long time to come. By the way, in dollar amount, it is not costing us a lot more to occupy Iraq the way we currently are when compared to the aerial occupation we ran for the twelve years between Gulf Wars.
The 2003 invasion of Iraq by a multinational force officially began on March 20, 2003. U.S. President George W. Bush stated that the objective of the invasion was "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people".

Prior to the invasion, the United States' official position was that Iraq was in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1441 regarding weapons of mass destruction and had to be disarmed by force. The United Kingdom and United States attempted to get a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing military force, but withdrew it before it could come to a vote after France, Russia, and later China all signaled that they would use their Security Council veto power against any resolution that would include an ultimatum allowing the use of force against Iraq. On March 20, 2003, the invasion of Iraq began.

The Iraqi military was defeated, and Baghdad fell on April 9, 2003 at 11:16 a.m. On May 1, 2003, U.S. President Bush declared the end of major combat operations, terminating the Baath Party's rule and removing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein from office. Coalition forces ultimately captured Saddam Hussein on December 13, 2003.

Captured by U.S. forces on December 13, 2003, Saddam was brought to trial under the Iraqi interim government set up by U.S.-led forces. On November 5, 2006, he was convicted of charges related to the executions of 148 Iraqi Shi'ites suspected of planning an assassination attempt against him, and was sentenced to death by hanging. Saddam was executed on December 30, 2006.

What events have the Aztec calendar predicted that have actually come true?

I heard that the calendar predicted the tsunami, 9-11, and the war on terror, but is it true? Sources please.

What events have the Aztec calendar predicted that have actually come true?opera score


What events have the Aztec calendar predicted that have actually come true?musicals opera theater

Not in our sense,no. The funny thing about prophets is that you can always see the connection AFTER something has happened.... you should worry about the Mayan calendar, not the Aztecs.
They also perdicted the all you can eat buffet and zany T shirts! It's real man, too real!!!!!
The Aztec calendar doesn't predict anything. The one used for divination (the 260 day sacred calendar) only predicts energies for a given day, not actual events. In hindsight, yes, those energies could be applied to an event, but you can't make any kind of large-scale prediction based on them.

The Mayans use a slightly different version of the calendar, no better at predicting. Most of what you hear about the Mayan and Aztec calendars, even on Discovery channel lately, is sensationalist BS with little or no truth in it.

Historical events in june?

The site contains historical dates and events categorized in months and years

This is just some listed for June 1st......

1495 The first written record of Scotch Whiskey appears in Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Friar John Cor is the distiller

1638 The first earthquake recorded in US, at Plymouth, Mass

1774 British govt orders Port of Boston closed

1789 The first US congressional act becomes law (on administering oaths)

1792 Kentucky becomes the 15th state of the union.

1796 Tennessee becomes the 16th state of the U.S.

1808 The fir1st US land-grant university founded-Ohio Univ, Athens, Ohio

Historical events in june?greek theater

Bobby Kennedy got shot in 1968.

My granddaughter was born on the 24th.

What events could happen to make the mid-East a stable and fairly peaceful region?

Only serious, thought out answers please guys. I am looking for politcal, social, religious, or governmental changes that would alter the mid-East landscape in a positive way.

What events could happen to make the mid-East a stable and fairly peaceful region?palace theatre

(0) The U.S. will have to get a government that is taken seriously

(and wants to be taken seriously) by the rest of the world, one

that is driven by well-thought policy rather than ideology and

special interests. Not just some abstract morality of action,

but just compare the esteem that people like John Foster Dulles

(secretary of state in the 1950s) or Adlai Stevenson (U.N. rep.

during the Cuban Missile Crisis) had in the world, with their

counterparts today.

(1) The price of oil crashes hard so that there is no incentive for

others (e.g., Russia) to keep the pot boiling for their own

interests, or else other findings of petroleum resources (like the

relatively recent North Sea) drastically decrease the importance

of the Middle East as a source of oil, or else there is some

startling new development of alternative energy sources that

has the same effect (I don't see this as likely, but then I don't

see any of these as likely).

(2) Significant movements and local leadership arise in some of

the more important countries in the region (e.g., Iran, Saudi

Arabia, Egypt, and maybe Syria) that create progressive

awareness in their societies, better education and employment

opportunities, better status for women. (Notice I didn't say

"democracy" -- not only because that word has been defiled by

George W., but also because most claimed democracies aren't.)

(3) Israel decides to grow up and realize that PR is its biggest

problem. It not only has to behave better in many respects, but

it also has to stop stoking the fires of hatred and giving the

Islamists (who probably are only a minority in every society) an

excuse to do what they do.

What events could happen to make the mid-East a stable and fairly peaceful region?concert tickets opera theaterAmerica has a serious lack of standing in the world, and this is true beyond doubt. One has to be seen to be right. Likewise, with Israel their PR is a disaster; there is no argument on whether they have an image problem. Not a Jew vs. Arab issue (race or nationality does not enter into it). Report It

The events that would have to happen are many. The turks would have to forgive themselves for giving up their lands during the Ottoman Empire, the zionists would have to realise that the formation of their nation-state was not sanctioned by the indigenous people, and they would have to share the land and realise that different religions are just that-different. They both worship the same God, so forgive and forget.

The tensions that are currently there are the result of many events in history that have gone wrong-one right after the other.
it is all depend on the country citizen.

If their citizen can unite and forget all the simple problems that occurs many times ago.if it happen a strong country that build by their own citizen can make the mid-east a stable and fairly peaceful region.
I think we must cut up the land more the people hate so mush it,s to bad that they can,t pull to stop the killing, let me see ,first lock stuff down , don,t let people come pulling in town with cars, trucks,bus, they muss pass the cheek points put up some web cams then have a Locke down at night, no ones moves just the police, and get people to talk tell the give it a try talking never killed any one,
1) Solid progress on a peace between Israel and the Palestiniansl

2) Democratic reforms AT THEIR OWN PACE and choosing that they are not forced into by a foreign state.

3) The United States playing a "behind the scene" role in regional affairs in contrast to direct confrontation. This includes using friendly arab states to act as proxies as opposed to our direct involvement

4) Conditions attatched to our blind support for Israel. If they don't make progress on achieving benchmark X or Y in regards to their regional conflicts, we should cut them off. Just as their needs to be consequences for terrorists..there must be for Israel's negligent behavior.
Without looking at the previous answers here is my thought on your question:

For the mid-East to become a fairly stable and/or peaceful region there would have to be several changes take place. The first change would have to be a general learning of acceptance of others. When one person or group of people, cannot accept a different aspect of another person or group there is bound to be a problem. In some way or another the non-accepting side will attempt to either change or remove the different side. This is what happened in the Roman times and today here in the US. Tolerance of others would be one way.

Another option is to divide the region into individual regions where, hopefully, each group can live with their own kind. However, if you think back to Germany, that didn't work too well under Hitler.

Governmental changes will do nothing until there is a way to reinforce the laws without triggering a retaliation.

In short I believe that tolerance is really the only way that things will change in the mid-East.
It can only happen when Moslems and Jews accept Jesus Christ as the true Saviour.

This will happen to a great degree in the not too distant future, with the Moslems first and then the Jews.

But the opposition to this will be so great that there will be the war of Armageddon before it is complete.

Current events following bible prophecy or world leaders purposly causing bible prophecy?

Everyone is saying the Verichip microchip implant will be the so called mark of the beast. Although we are probably at least ten years or so before chips are implanted into humans it is going to happen nonetheless. Do you think world leaders are purposely pushing this agenda to try and force bible prophecy, or are we helpless to interfere with destiny?

Current events following bible prophecy or world leaders purposly causing bible prophecy?regal theater

I think believe and expect that politicians might use bible prophecy to sell a war to the public. Bible prophecy is vague and open to interpretation to the point where it could conceivably be used by politicians to garner support for a war amongst Christians. For instance, I have heard it said on a number of occasions by Christians that the war in Iraq is required inorder for bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Where did they get this idea? Probably from politicians and from christian leadership who sell the influence they have over communities of faithful believers to a mercenary plutocratic predatory few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex.

Current events following bible prophecy or world leaders purposly causing bible prophecy?performing art center opera theater

Or Bible prophecy could be so vague that it could apply to almost anything at the time.
i find it funny how napolean bonaparte fits the prophecy quite well
I doubt the agenda of world leaders is to follow the Bible that would leave the other answer. God does not lie.
Gwb believes in the rapture and armageddon,and wants it to happen. what do you think ? Its scary to think about it.
i will be damned before any government sticks a microchip in my body. uh uh noooo way.

however, i don't think this is the mark of the beast as the Bible prophesies and i doubt world leaders would purposely push it for this reason.
the chip is just one of the ways. Just look at the Vatican.
Do you think world leaders are purposely pushing this agenda to try and force bible prophecy, or are we helpless to interfere with destiny?

It is not destiny but God's Will and Promise to mankind.

Exodus 12:25 (Whole Chapter)

And it shall come to pass, when ye be come to the land which the LORD will give you, according as he hath promised, that ye shall keep this service.

Numbers 14:40 (Whole Chapter)

And they rose up early in the morning, and gat them up into the top of the mountain, saying, Lo, we be here, and will go up unto the place which the LORD hath promised: for we have sinned.

Deuteronomy 12:20 (Whole Chapter)

When the LORD thy God shall enlarge thy border, as he hath promised thee, and thou shalt say, I will eat flesh, because thy soul longeth to eat flesh; thou mayest eat flesh, whatsoever thy soul lusteth after.

1 Kings 9:5 (Whole Chapter)

Then I will establish the throne of thy kingdom upon Israel for ever, as I promised to David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Israel.

Nehemiah 5:12 (Whole Chapter)

Then said they, We will restore them, and will require nothing of them; so will we do as thou sayest. Then I called the priests, and took an oath of them, that they should do according to this promise.

Jeremiah 32:42 (Whole Chapter)

For thus saith the LORD; Like as I have brought all this great evil upon this people, so will I bring upon them all the good that I have promised them.

Jeremiah 33:14 (Whole Chapter)

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.

Acts 23:21 (Whole Chapter)

But do not thou yield unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them more than forty men, which have bound themselves with an oath, that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him: and now are they ready, looking for a promise from thee.

Romans 9:9 (Whole Chapter)

For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son.

2 Timothy 1:1 (Whole Chapter)

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus,

Hebrews 6:17 (Whole Chapter)

Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:

Hebrews 10:36 (Whole Chapter)

For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

2 Peter 3:9 (Whole Chapter)

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Organized religions and there greed is the cause of all wars. Leaders within the organized religions have a huge influence over modern day politics. They always have been involved and the key word is involved. Most of mankind is not involved and that is where the problem starts. A society based on greed demands that we leave it all up to religious state leaders to make all the decisions for you. Mankind simply cannot afford to take the time off work to stand up and negotiate for what really matters to them. I hope this helps. Best Regards, M.G.S.
Interesting question; my specialty study is in Prophecy, so your question caught my eye; lets start with the micro-chip/mark of the beast thing. The mark of the beast is not a chip; its not your social security number; its not a tattoo of "666". It much simplier than that; man always wants to complicate things more than necessary. Antichrist is coming before any gathering back to Christ occurs; He will come in prosperously and peacefully. He will be disguised as Jesus Christ and he will pretend to be Christ - he'll even profess that he is Christ. He will come exactly the opposite of what a person would think the devil would come as - he will be supernatural and performing miracles; he will provide a chicken in every pot, no more war, no more homelessness; prosperity and peace for all. One problem: He's Antichrist. The mass majority of even Church-going Christians will believe its Christ (because they aren't taught). Tv preachers will lead hundreds of thousands of people to be devil worshippers. Those folks who believe in rapture will believe this first show of "jesus" is him coming to rapture them out to safety; it will be the biggest religious tent revival of all time. Christ gives us a good chronological order of events that lead up to the true Christs return, and he tells us that if he had not shortened the time, no flesh would be saved - thats how convincing this fake will be. Jesus did shorten the 7-year total period down to a total of five months, in Revelation 9. This is how simple the mark of the beast actually is: If you believe that the fake is really Jesus Christ, you have the mark of the beast; if you do not believe he is Jesus, but know he is a fake, you do not have the mark of the beast. It doesn't matter if they tattoo you from head to toe, its not gonna change what you believe. He will destroy wonderfully, and his power will be in his mouth: a bunch of lies. If you don't believe a lie, it can't harm you. Also, it is written that Satan was told he can't even touch those who are sealed of God (those who do not have the mark). If he even tried, Christ would flatten him. Okay, this is information God wants to direct you to so that you understand that you will be dealing with more than just that one entity, Satan:

We read "Here is wisdom: let him that hath understanding COUNT the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man, and his number is six-hundred three-score (and)six."

That word "count", is not like when we count 1-2-3-4, but instead it means the enumerate over a long period of time, as when a rock is run smooth from water running over it for a vast amount of time. That tells us that this mark is nothing new - so where did it begin? where do we find this mark? In the very beginning - in the Garden of Eden.

I will tell you the rest, or else let me give you the quick answer to your question: no , world leaders are not purposely pushing to try to force the prophecies, but they are, unknowingly fulfilling prophecies just by the decisions they make, etc. Its inevitable.

So you can stop here if you're bored, or read on:

The Mark has its beginning on Cain, when he killed his brother Abel, and God threw him out of the Garden; God placed a mark on him - its the mark of his own blood father, Satan. Ouch. Yep, the manuscripts all but cement the fact. Eve was told she could eat from all the trees, but not to EVEN TOUCH the tree of the knowledge of good/evil. The word "touch" is naga, as in when you touch sexually while lying with a woman (or man). Scripture says the serpent beguiled Eve and she took of the tree. The world "beguiled" means "to wholly seduce";

Eve had sex with no other than Satan himself, or the tree as she was tricked by the serpent into it. Adam Participated.

After they sinned, they tied fig leaves together to make what? Masks to hid their faces because they ate fruit? No, they made aprons to hid their private parts - those parts that participated in the sin.

God told Eve he would multiply her conception; he did, multiplied by 2, exactly:

Eve was pregnant with twins: one pregancy of two separate conceptions - two separate fathers. Abel was Adams son, but Cain was Satans son. If you find this hard to believe, check out Genesis 5:1 where is listed the complete geneology of Adam: you won't find Cain listed because Cain isn't Adams son. Likewise, In Chapter 4, is a list of the geneology of Cain: you won't find Adam listed because Adam isn't Cains Father.

The boys both brought their offerings to God at the exact same time, because they reached the age of accountability at the exact same time: Twins. Your Bible says that Eve had Cain and then AGAIN bare his brother, Abel. But the manuscripts actually do not say "again", instead, they say "continued in labor". Eve had Cain and then her labor continued and she had Abel.

What does it mean when you have a baby and then your labor continues and you have a second baby? Twins. Enough said.

On to why it is so important to God that you come to Genesis and understand this whole story. Cain went off to the first known town called Nod, which was where the 6th day creation of all the races were living. He married and had lots of decendants, called "kenites" in the Bible.

These Kenites (fully translated means "Sons of Cain") even made it thru the flood of Noah: Noah was told to take two of every flesh,(ethnos) every race onboard the Ark. The reason Scripture says there were only "8 living souls" is because they are the only 8 persons of the lineage of Christ, and if you are not in Christ, you are not alive, therefore it was written as "8 living souls". Anyway, the blood decendants called Kenites made it thru the flood, and you will find them alive and well, and doing scribe-work for the Tribe of Judah, well after the flood, in 1chronicles 2:55. These

blood decendants (and yes, the manuscripts say seed, children, SPERMA)

of Satan himself not only made it thru the flood, but they are alive on the Earth today.

Do they want to take over the world? No, but Satan does, and they are his children.

You see why its important for you to be aware of this? These Kenites are very slippery and tricky - God points to them thru-out Scripture, but people read right over it.

In Rev.1, John is told to write a letter to each of 7 churches - the only 2 churches out of the whole bunch that Christ approved of, both taught the same thing: who are they who say they are jews but are not and do lie, and are of the synagogue of Satan?

The answer: The Kenites. There are two legal ways for you to be a "jew" (just a shortend form for "Tribe of Judah").

First, to be born in the bloodline of the Tribe of Judah. Or second, live in the geographical location of the Town of Judea.

Bingo!! Thats what these Kenites did, they lived around Judea and called themselves jews; these are those who yelled "crucify him!". They move themselves into places and positions of authority - they became scribes, lawyers, judges, and yes, even Priests. You recall Jesus telling off the Priest saying "you are of your father the devil" - I don't know how Christ could have made it more clear. Anyway, if you've ever read the parable of the tares in Matthew 13:36,

when you re-read it, it will come alive with meaning. There is a golden thread running throughout the Scriptures that prepare Gods true Servants for specifically this time coming. Gods Election are destined to be delivered up before Antichrist for the testamony of the true Christ, and as a witness against Antichrist. Obviously, this

time hasn't come yet, but his (Satans) children are here, and you can bet they work at the task day and night to prepare just as do the soldiers of Christ.

There is far more deeper a message contained in Scriptures for those disciplined students - far beyond baptism, forgiveness, salvation; they are beautiful things, of course, but unfortunately most Christians keep sucking on the milk and never delve into the meat of the message in Gods Word that would make them approved soldiers for Christ when these event occur.

Those who study and learn these truths receive the seal of God, rather than sitting around waiting to wonder whether they will have the mark of the beast.

Nothing like being prepared.

In any case, things are gonna get pretty hot in the proverbial kitchen, and that will separate those soldiers of God from those who just like to "play church".

Hope ya found this information interesting.

ps: nothing will prevent these events from coming to pass exactly as written. No one.

What events involved the U.S. in foreign affairs?

Every country has a foreign policy.

It seems the question is toned-down a bit and not ranting makes the issues easier to consider. Conservatives, Liberals, Moderates and Independants have one thing in common. The decisions we made or didn't make and supported or didn't support, will be judged hindsight by future generations. I don't want to be seen as a generation that spent so much time bicker and picking fights with each other within our own borders, that we had no serious dialogue on the issues. I hope you aren't trying to pick another fight out the backdoor of the bar ... we All have a long way to go.

What happen to Q%26amp;A and dialogue? A valid point sandwiched in the criticism, gets lost. Time for a change.

Coolest events, art shows, bands playing in LA area on oct. 11 or 12?

will have a bit of time on my own these nights when i'm down in santa monica for work. Put it this way, what would you do in the LA area if you were in town for a few nights, that was cool and not too touristy?



Coolest events, art shows, bands playing in LA area on oct. 11 or 12?state theatre

Coolest events, art shows, bands playing in LA area on oct. 11 or 12?theater opera theater

Dang. It's hard to find stuff mid-week. Check out KCRW's music calander for eclectic music around town...

And has listings of what clubs are good in the city for each night (I like Afro Funke at Zanzibar) plus attractions around town...

Good luck!

Current Events In the Ecology World?

Any ideas i have to write a paper about it

Current Events In the Ecology World?paramount theater

global warming, fish supply depleting/alomst extinct, the faults that cause those earth quakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts...

Current Events In the Ecology World?theatre opera theater

Climate change is a popular topic, along with global warming. Heres a good website for ideas:

What events of the 1920's growing independence from Britain,and how did they show it?

How did who show it?

What events of the 1920's growing independence from Britain,and how did they show it?opera ticket

Did you leave a word or two out of this question?

What events of the 1920's growing independence from Britain,and how did they show it?pacific theater opera theater

If you're talking about Canada...they participated in the Paris Peace Conference and had their own seat.

What events in her life lead to Queen Elizabeth I's rise to power?

i need to know how elizabeth rose to power and what she did for england that made her so powerful and loved by england. thank you.

What events in her life lead to Queen Elizabeth I's rise to power?home theater system

Briefly, it could be described as a series of circumstances and fate that led to Elizabeth becoming queen of England. She was the second daughter of Henry VIII; after her, a legitimate son was born who would become the next monarch. It seemed, then, that the two daughters would never become queens, especially as there was no precedent for a queen regnant - apart from a Matilda, many years ago.

However, Edward died very early, at about the age of 16. There were always going to be plots and conspiracies; Lady Jane Grey became queen for only a few days. She was brought down and succeeded by Henry's daughter Mary, who was next in line as the oldest daughter.

Mary was extremely unpopular; Edward had striven to make his country Protestant. Mary was a staunch Catholic, and tried hard to bring it back to Catholicism. She ordered the burning of about 300 people for heresy and earned the name of "Bloody Mary" for herself - even though the number of her victims was not considered excessive for the time. She also married Philip of Spain, a hugely unpopular choice. Poor Mary loved Philip, but couldn't bear him a child.

Under Mary, Elizabeth entered the most dangerous time of her life. She was very clever, and managed to stay out of political trouble, although there were some terrifying times.

Mary died fairly young, and it was obvious that Elizabeth would succeed her. After Mary's reign, when people were burned for heresy, for being Protestant, Elizabeth was loved and welcomed; she allowed more freedom of worship during her reign. Whereas Mary was small and old for her years, dressing in rich cloth and jewels, Elizabeth with her red-gold hair and father's nose, dressed simply in dark colours, must have seemed refreshing and a hope for a new future.

This future was realised. She married herself to her country; did not dilute her power with a consort or a king. She was very accomplished and educated, and truly loved her people. She was perhaps the first monarch who truly understood the power of "star quality" and self-promotion.

Look at the first site here for what she accomplished for England; in her reign Shakespeare flourished, and other great writers. Sailors sailed the seas to bring back riches and stories; Spain was defeated by the Armada, and England enjoyed a glorious age under Gloriana.

This is a very good site. It's rather long, but shorter than a book (!), and gives a very good overview of her life and reign:

What events in her life lead to Queen Elizabeth I's rise to power?the grand theater opera theater

Ummm her Dad the King died. She was next in line so became the queen.
her rise to power came about because her sickly baby brother died (might have had hemophilia, we don't know for sure) and her big sister was that most evil thing in British Ilse at the time, a CATHOLIC!!! ( OH TH HORRORS) this led the Parliament to name Elizabeth, Henry VIII'S only surviving protestant child to become queen. now why she was so beloved, because she either killed or banished all those who hated her, so only the one who loved her got to write her history. plus many nobleman were hoping to marry her and take over to become king.
All these answers are right, but also give credit to the fact that Elizabeth was very smart and shrewd. She knew what she had to do, what cards she had to play. She could have been killed many times over (look at Jane Grey!) but managed to get into the good graces of men who preserved her, although they were enemies (such as Philip of Spain, although he was Mary's husband). She was also smart enough and had great advisors (Such as Cecil and Walsingham) that helped her to settle the great problems that England had upon Mary I's death, such as the Religion issue, and also the fact that the country was very poor, esc.

Unfortunate Events series question here!?

i haven't read any of thses books.

but my question is do i have to start reading from the first book or will i be able to understand the story if i start reading another book (the hostile hospital).have you read any books form the series?were they good. what was it about?

Unfortunate Events series question here!?violin

DEFINATELY read the first book... you will need to understand nearly anything about the book.

It is a great series about 3 rich orphans whose parents had just died. In the first book they come into the possesion of Count Olaf a crazy man out to get their fortune for himself. Count Olaf tries to get the money from the orphans many ways including killing the children and trying to marry one of them. Long story short... he doesn't give up no matter how hard he tries... All the orphans have to do however is survive until Violet is 18... she is the oldest... Its a great series i hope you enjoy reading as much as i did.

EDIT: I Personally liked The Reptile Room The Best

Unfortunate Events series question here!?chinese theater opera theater

You should start from the begginging. In Hostil Hospital, there aree very improtant things that you may not understand if you don't haven't read the other ones.

You can skip some like Carnivoruse carnival.
if you want to get everything from the books, read them from the beggining. Unfortunately everything from one to five are pretty much the same story with different charachters and stuff, so you can start after five and be okay. I would start with the austere academy if you want to start in the middle somewhere.The books are ausome, by the way!!!!!
Well, I guess if you wanted to you could start from number 8. You might understand the story deeper by starting at THE BAD BEGINNING...but either way is fine. I have read all 13, and enjoy them. They are about 3 orphans with the mysterious fire with the death of their parents. Read them all!

Organizing events??

I am trying to organize this thing at my school for kids in my school that can't afford to buy clothes. I was think that I would have kids bring in clothes but I am not sure how to organize it so kids that actually need it can get the clothes.

Organizing events??sunshine

that is a great idea. my school does it twice a year. what we did was ask the dean and principles permission. once we got their approval, we went ahead and thought of creative ways to get the students at our school to bring in clothes; at the same time we contacted shelters saying come to our school on this day between this time and this time or we can send the clothes to them. the reps from shelters came and looked through clothes, seeing which would fit and which wouldnt. we also sent out boxes of clothes to other places that couldnt come. it was a big hit.

hope this idea helps. you're doing a good thing, keep it up

Free events in new York on 7/4/06?

fireworks displays, outings, concerts

Free events in new York on 7/4/06?musicals

Actually, I've found there is more free in NYC than most other places.

Check out :

Free events in new York on 7/4/06?opera songs opera theater

Nothings Free in NY

Current Events:?

Who is Kaczynski? What happened between the years of 1978 to 1995?

Current Events:?performing arts show

Theodore Kaczynski was the infamous "unibomber."

Cristmas events things to do over thanksgiving vacation in downtown st pete?

go down town to sit on santas lap snow day fun inexspensive things to do for holidays with the kids

Cristmas events things to do over thanksgiving vacation in downtown st pete?ballet theater

You mean St. Petersberg, right? In which case...

Nov. 24 ? Holiday Tree Lighting.

North Straub Park, Beach Dr. %26amp; 5th Ave. N.E. 6 to 9 p.m. Holiday activities and tree lighting with the Mayor at 7 p.m. 727-893-7734.

Nov. 25 ? Grand Central Chili Cook-Off %26amp; Holiday Shopping Event.

Central Ave. between 20th St. %26amp; 30th St. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Shop until you drop and bring your appetite to this fun day of sampling some of the best chili in the area. 727-328-7086.

Enjoy the weekend with your kids!

Cristmas events things to do over thanksgiving vacation in downtown st pete?chicago theater opera theater

get the times

Can events like happened in movie "The day after Tomorrow" Really Happen??

yes most could but we are a long ways away from something like that happening because of global warming most likely not in our lifetimes!

Can events like happened in movie "The day after Tomorrow" Really Happen??concert tickets


Can events like happened in movie "The day after Tomorrow" Really Happen??theater seating opera theater

Possibily. It can happen after the death of our sun which is likely to swell up into a red and shrink into a dense material or a pulsar.

And a new ice age will begin.
Although unlikely, things shown in the movie can probably happen. Many believe superstorms and such even already occured on our planet early in it's history.
The discovery channel did a show on this and though it could happen, it would be under such extreme circumstances that i wouldn't bet on it!
You have to realize everyone's motivation for their movement. Mostly, it is money motivation, and the tricky part is that people look like they "really care."

There are many people in the environmental movement that really do care, but there are SO many people that perpetuate their movement in order to scare, and in turn profit. Look at the books, and movies, and many other ways that they make money. Obviously, there are many other political factions on both sides of the idealogical spectrum that champion their "cause" in order to make money. This is only one of them.

Can it happen? Yes. Just like someone "could" build a time machine within the next 50 years. Will it happen? Probably not.

A lot of the data that people have come up with to support global catastrophies (like the one you are referring to) actually doesn't take into account a sample size that is large enough to make the claims (and subsequently produce the fear) that they are making. The sample size of data is too small, yet it is used to produce fear (and sell media of different shapes and sizes).

Most people really should be fearing things that are much closer to them like heart disease, and stroke. These things are much more likely to happen to people because many people don't watch what they eat, nor get enough exercise. However, movies about having a heart attack aren't really considered blockbuster material!

I'd save the worrying for what to eat, and when to exercise.
Hello? Katrina...NOLA NEVER got hit that bad before, ever. Its starting already all over the planet. Tsunami's, record high temperatures, extreme fluctuations in weather...hell, I wore shorts on Christmas last three years. Very unusual.
I believe that anything is possible, especially since people believe in religion, UFOs, aliens etc. You could do your own study and take whatever precautions that might save you. Unless you are Hispanic I wouldn't be too hasty in moving there. Enjoy what daily lifestyles you still have and can afford. Survival skills can also mean keeping a cool head too.
Quite possibly a scenero of what could happen.
Ah the global warming debate! Yes it can happen but not for the reasons depicted. The movie was a politicly correct propagand machine.

Now back to reality. I have lived long enough to hear "its global warming" and I have heard "its an ice age".

It is part of the propaganda that SUV's are the cause of the problem. In truth when I was a kid every one was excited about acid rain too. there was a volcano in the Fillipines that erupted and spit out more SO2 (sulfer dioxide) than all the cars in all the history of the internal combustion engine. It did that much damage to the environment in about 3 days. 24 hours after the eruption the cloud could be seen by satalite wraping its self all the way around the globe. Should have been the doom of all mankind. One year later mother nature had cleaned the whole thing up. And she did it with out the rest of us letting up at all in the steady day to day out put of pollution.

However with all that said I think our enviroment is changing. Remember it has changed several times without man kind even being on the planet. For some reason man things that because he is here it should be stagnant. Winter is always the same and sumer is always the same etc. WRONG. The very things that brought about change with out man's presence is still at work. Our influence is minimal at best. We are not as powerfull as some egotistical nuts would have you think.

I do believe our world is changing. I do believe we will see many changes in our life time. I think lots of folks will blame it on big oil or big government or George Bush or republicans or democrats. In the end it will change and there is not one thing you can do to stop it. Now the debate is will the change be for the better or worse? Remember just because one place is no long habitable and another becomes more habitable does not mean its worse, just different.

Could the events of the day after tomorrow happen? Sure. For the same reason? not even close?

Should you make some preperations? That would be wise.

If I'm wrong and it happens because of an suv will it change any thing? no

If I'm right and it happens will it change anything? no.

Either way it happens. So you may want to practice a few survival skills now. Just my opinion.

If I'm wrong and nothing happens? You will have learned a few survival skills and will be a lot of fun to have around on camping trips. my opinion is free and worth about what you paid for it.
defenitly but verrryy rarely it would b cool but scary!!
yes, but solar flares could also strike the earth under the right circumstances. NOT LIKELY
Not really, that's like the super apocalyptic if everything happened just right end all to end all. Also the events wouldn't happen as fast as they did in the movie. Also to what they lady said above, Tsunamis are not caused by weather. Storm surge is but not Tsunamis.
Yes, but...

It's unlikely.

It wouldn't happen within a 2 hour movies.
