Thursday, December 10, 2009

What events of WW1 led to WW2.?

I really need to know. And no this is not my homework so please answer Please!!!!!!!!

What events of WW1 led to WW2.?concert tickets

The treaty of versailles was very harsh on germany. so when hitler came around everyone looked up to hitler and went along with is plan because the life and economy was so bad in germany before WWII.

What events of WW1 led to WW2.?theater seating opera theater

The Treaty of Versailles. It fined Germany for EVERYTHING in WWI, which basically pissed off the German people and laid the roots for World War 2 to occur.
1. Extensive war reparations were forced on Germany which meant that they had to borrow heavily from American banks.

2. When Wall Street crashed in 1929, American banks tried to call in their debts. German currency went into hyperinflation and many German banks went under, taking people's savings with them. The resulting economic crisis caused a political crisis with extremist parties of the right and left flourishing by promising quick fixes.

3. Once Hitler's Nazi Party got into power, his nationalist propaganda kept up the belief that Germany should have won the first world war, but had surrendered too easily. It also fostered resentment at the treatment of Germany by the allies. Hitler wanted revenge.
treaty of Versailles

Current Events in the Middle It's homework xD?

I have to find this article on what's happening currently in the Middle East. Anyone have some sites with really good/slightly unboring news? :o thanks.


Current Events in the Middle It's homework xD?performing art center

Try Yahoo News, World, Mid East

Current Events in the Middle It's homework xD?theatre tickets opera theater

i find some african newspapers do very good items on the middle east for some reason. far better than British or American. I wonder is the reason that very few of them are owned by the one person.

Compound Events?

1. Sample space = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

E = {0, 3, 7, 9} F = {2, 3, 5, 6, 9}

Find E U F

2. Find E 鈭?F

3.Find F鈥?/p>

Compound Events?oper

U= numbers from both sets

1) {0,2,3,5,6,7,9}

2) Upside down U= numbers in both sets


3)Find all numbers in sample set, but not in set F


Compound Events?hollywood theater opera theater




Important events that happened during Rosa Parks life?

Not looking for stuff that happened to her but am looking for 5 things that happened to america or the world during this time. Please include dates.

Important events that happened during Rosa Parks life?theater

The death of Emmet Till in 1955 was probably an event that pushed Rosa Parks to the edge and helped contribute to the strength she had to stand against bigotry and intimidation.

What events led to WWII?

I'll try to be short...this is quite an important topic and it is sad how awfully wrong so many people can be..ww2 was not just the Holocaust!

It is best to understand WW2 in context with WW1. Centuries from now they will almost certainly be seen as simply one conflict as far as the European Theatre is they should be already.

The simplest answer to this complex question is that the Allies of WW1 from the time of the emergence of Germany in the mid 1800's, had no intention of letting it upset the balance of power in Europe. The age of Exploration, Colonialism, and Imperialism all played a significant role in setting that balance of power. The rise of Germany and its implications on the other nations are the core of the issue. WW2 was a continuation of what was not settled after WW1.

Before ww1 Germany was a potential foe and friend to all on the continent (Except France-see Franco-Prussian War). The British were the only ones who had nothing to really fear from their German cousins. Once the Kaiser tried to compete on the high seas in the early 1900's and stake a claim to an overseas empire, some in Britain decided to see Germany as an adversary. Believing that they were one ended up making it so in reality.

If we were to accept Wilson's terms of Peace at Versailles, that would mean that what Hitler wanted...the incorporation of Germanic populations elsewhere into the Reich, were not only fair, but were actually right. The people of Austria, Sudetenland, and of the city of Danzig were all enthusiastic about joining Germany regardless of Hitler ever being alive.

It is only "appeasement" then if we are to believe that other nations have the right to demand of others who and what can comprise their own nation. If you beleive that, then yes the Allies appeased Hitler. Obviously though, had Hitler died in ww1, the Germanic populations outside Germany still would have every right of demanding to be part of Germany.

So..the war was then continued by the Allies in September 39, because it refused to give up Danzig to the Germans. The Poles were stood up to fight, which they did bravely, while the Allies could do nothing to stop Germany anyway. The rest of ww2 developed as a consequence of these decisions.

The Allies (France/GB) had not been able to beat Germany in WW1 militarily, and the peace treaty actually did not help permanently defeat Germany either. Though Germany's enemy was always East, the inability for the Allies, justifiably or not, to accept Germany as the ascendent power on the continent resulted in that protracted conflict.

Regardles of Allied refusal to accept this German position, it was powerless to stop it both times, as they needed American boots to save them from Germany imposing that ascendency outright.

What events led to WWII?theatre


What events led to WWII?opera music opera theater

ww2 was basically the holocaust
Germany invading poland
As I understand it...Germany was made to pay reparations for the rest of the world etc for WW1. This led to the downfall of Germany. This was one point of a treaty called The Treaty Of Versailles of which Germany had no say.

Then...after being supposedly rejected into art school in Vienna, Adolf Hitler came about and as any German, although he was Austrian(I think) would do, he rallied people round telling them he would make Germany great again. You would have followed him too if it was your country. The reparations cost Germany alot.

Then,Germany had some defences on some border and Britain had said if Germany crosses this border which in stalemate they will declare war. No one could move. Germany, wanting to be great again took it upon themselves to start the war.

I'm not sure about a few things there but I'm sure that that's most of the main points.
Appeasement. World War 2 could have been easily prevented if the League of Nations had not continuosly appeased Germany for breaking the Treaty of Versailles. After being appeased once and then twice, Germany believed that he could continue breaking the treaty without suffering any consequences. That was until they invaded Poland when the League of Nations realized that Germany had to be stopped and the war was inevitable. So in order words, appeasement of Hitler's actions led to World War 2.

Current Events section-is it safe..?

has a bit of a reputation I've heard?

Current Events section-is it safe..?pacific theater

It is like life....good'uns %26amp; bad'uns..

Unsafe at times, but it can be fun.

The most important thing is never give up :-)

Current Events section-is it safe..?phantom of the opera opera theater

They're watching you right now!! lol
Run away,run away!!!!!
It does have a reputation, their are alot of trolls in this section.
yeah it's fine here

at the minute anyway

funny how I've never seen a new user make their Q%26amp;A's profile private so quickly

but I wont say a word :)
I wouldn't go in there unless you're heavily armed...
You need to have a very thick skin in this section ~ make of that what you will..!!
who are you? you got id

this place is a p.ussy cats paradise.

youre welcome in here hun,

don't let the bullies piss you off.
lol @ Scotch mist, yeah feels like I'm in heaven !
Very astute Mrs. GC. first thing I check, mind you it's very brave of me to be in this part of the world for so long.

To answer your question, it's a bit like walking on Bodmin Moor, everything looks green and peaceful until you step into a bog.
it varies

some times it is good fun and there are many interesting questions to answer

at other times it seems to be violation central - with the offence of choice being 'chat'
unsafe at any speed.
Well I've just been correctly brought to heel, so yes its safe. what reputation? I avoid Polls and surveys one word answers.

It's not lock inside the safe.

It's out there on the internet.

Luke 8.10,17

What do you think?
doesn't often seem like a site for real current events or news, more about having a pop at someone or making rude jokes or comments.
Take no notice of Mr Tickle, Stephs a pussycat :)

Current events has gone downhill a bit lately, theres not so much music here anymore, as long as you aint here for the points youre safe

Parties, events and nightclubs for under 16s?

anyone know any nightclubs that have nights for teenagers?

Parties, events and nightclubs for under 16s?the grand theater

Yeah, but how far do you want to travel and where do you live.
